The Influential Factors In Lord Of The Flies, By William Golding

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After reading Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, a reader can conclude that there are many different factors that were influential on the boys. These boys, later referred to as savages, land on this island when their plane crashes. The boys try to reason with one another, but that does not turn out so well. Ralph, the protagonist, and Jack, his oppose, are constantly debating over which item is more important to their survival. However, in the end, the three most influential factors are the lack of women on the island, the boys’ lust for power, and the boys’ fear and distrust. One factor that influenced to boys to act the way they do is the lack of women. Honestly, this could potentially be the most influential of the factors because …show more content…

Ralph, at first, is the leader however, this changes. “’You try Ralph. You’ll call the others.’ Doubtfully, Ralph laid the small end of the shell against his mouth and blew.” (Golding 16). This quote is taken from the beginning of the story when Piggy finds the conch shell, which is later used as a “talking stick”, and unknowingly makes Ralph the leader. As the boys go on with trying to survive another boy, Jack, comes into the picture and challenges ralph by saying that hunting is more important than, in Ralph’s opinion, fire. This starts Jack’s rise to power. He starts to gain many hunters and they start to gain more power and respect. Soon, both Jack and Ralph are looked at as leaders. This makes the boys start to want total power and they, mainly Jack, will do anything to get it. Jack lets power get to him and take his conscious mind over, and starts to just kill pigs for the satisfaction of the kill instead of killing for food. One time, they boys reenact killing a pig, having a litlun act as a pig, and the boys end up going a little too far and lose reality and poke the little boy for real but they stop. They let the killing get to them and start to do a killing chant which shows how far off from civilization they are. “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.”(Golding 75).Power influences the leaders and makes them even father from being

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