The Influence of Government's Role on Public Health in the 19th Century

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The Influence of Government's Role on Public Health in the 19th Century I think it's clear that the Government did play a significant part in bringing up public health standards to what they really should have been. The main way in which they managed to sort out the public Health was by making certain factors that bought about improvements compulsory. For instance they made it obligatory to register all births and deaths so that statistics were available to the Government to see how the death rate was and whether it was a real problem. They also changed the vote so that the average working class man could vote so local MP's had to start realizing their needs which meant they needed to realize public health was a problem for the poor. In addition to this They made regulations on a few different things that were causing the main problems for the death rate and disease. They made clear laws on how water and sewage should be sorted so that water was clean and with little disease in as possible for the average man or woman to drink. And they had also kept medical officers of health that were formed in the 1948 public health act which over saw the disease ridden streets and saw something needed doing. They also set up other laws which weren't necessarily aiming to sort out public health, but did have a big effect on it. For instance they made Health education in schools which would be taught to 5 to 11 year olds who now had to go to school because the government had made a law forcing them to do so. They also made clear guidelines on food regulations so that food in shops was of some sort of quality, Building regulations to help with spacing out houses and making them of a secure and well built nature, and more importantly laws against

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