The Influence Of René Descartes Discourse On Method

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In René Descartes autobiographical book, Discourse on Method, he discusses an exceptionally insightful method in regards to reasoning he maliciously thought of during his life and how it has made great discoveries in the fields of math and sciences. After finishing the book, one passage in particular stuck out to me among all the others. In Part Three of his book, he conceives a four maxim moral code he uses as a model for his behavior. The second maxim was the one that sparked the most intrigue in me, it is about how he “was to be as firm and resolute in my actions as I could” (Descartes, 14). The reason I found this passage to be interesting is because he wishes to always be very sure about each choice he makes because it eliminates the delay and doubt that our conscience produces while making decisions. …show more content…

For he thought that if he settles on a probable decision, it will already be “very true and very certain, because the reason that made us decide on them appears so” (Descartes, 14). Overall, the message Descartes is trying to convey in this passage is we do not have time to delay making actions in life. With that said, it is absolutely necessary that upon every decision we are presented with, we never be indecisive, rather, we search for the utmost truth or follow the most probable and remove all sense of doubt. Once this is accomplished, you are left with a conscience that is free of regret and remorse that will not judge the good as

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