Animal Farm: A Reflection of Modern American Government

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The government is in all aspects of everyday life. Quality of life depends on how effective a government is a truer and guiding its people. Animal Farm reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. In the book Animal Farm government was expressed in many different ways. This was shown through the seven Commandments and freedom, the book Animal Farm also related to modern-day government. These messages were expressed through many different characters and their behaviors which gave an insight on how it is related to Modern Day American government.

When the book Animal Farms first starts talking about the seven Commandments they stated the following. All animals are equal, …show more content…

He wanted the animals to take over, and live equally amongst themselves. This eventually leads to a revolution. The animals do this in order to create a better life for themselves as they have been dominated by humans all of these years who showed them no respect after all the animals did to make the farmers farm run smoothly for years. The animals begin to get very upset and decide to rebel against the humans. So throughout the book Animal Farm, the morlas for which the animals fought for, such as equality and freedom, begin to disappear as gradually they lose their rights and their freedoms. The equal and perfect world that these animals ished and dreamed for became worse than what it was before when the farmer ran the farm. All of the animals wanted what they were promised by their selfish and brainwashing leader Napoleon. The animals wanted an equal share of power, but instead Napoleon wanted everyone under his power and he achieved this by pushing all of the animals till they couldn't go anymore, such as in the case of the boxer, and using as much force and manipulation that was needed. Napoleon made the animals believe that he was in power because he knew what was best for the animals as well as the …show more content…

This very well ties in with the book “Animal Farm”. The animals are first living under the power of the farmers, everything runs smoothly until all of the animals want a change, in which they run all of the humans out and run the farm how they see fit. The animals then made the seven commandments, that they were going to live by, of course, like our modern day government, they changed over a short period of time when Napoleon takes over the farm. The seven commandments at first were easy, but then they started adding things to it just like they do in today's government. At the end of the book only one of those seven commandments stood, all animals are equal, but some more than others. Once the animals finally were not under the power of the humans I feel they got a sense of freedom. They created their own rules and choose how they should live their lives. Napoleon was definitely a strict leader, he didn't want the other animals to get an education because he believed that they had a good shot at dethroning him. To sum it up, Animal farm definitely relates to our modern day government in multiple different

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