The Influence Of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Speech

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“To deny political equality is to rob the ostracised of all self-respect.” - Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s speeches and influences throughout her years have helped others. She wanted the government to stop using male pronouns unless they were specifically talking about a man. Elizabeth Cady Stanton also wanted women to be as equal as men. Elizabeth influenced political ideas to give women rights, and would give speeches which would influence others.
Before Elizabeth Cady Stanton had any impact and attempts to start speeches like her “the solitude to self” speech or her speeches at Seneca Falls. Most women were treated as a cook and a maid, they stayed home to take care of the children. They were to be bossed around by their husband. It was actually better off if a woman was single or widowed. Also, all women were not allowed to vote. Women had a say in typically nothing that is until Elizabeth finally took a stand.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton wanted to start making meetings and speeches to make people aware of how women were treated around them. She paired up with a woman named Susan B. Anthony to help her make speeches. So Elizabeth made her first speech at Seneca Falls in 1848. Elizabeth had her first women's rights convention. The most noteworthy of the earlier conventions were the ones held in Massachusetts, where …show more content…

She would ask for it at conventions, it was the main reason she started making speeches and conventions. Elizabeth gave many people opportunities to take a stand and help out. Stanton and Anthony worked close together giving each other ideas. Just like the photo of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony discussed a plan proposal. This took place in 1848 they have known each other well and have already created many speeches proposals and plans. They still worked together for 50 years after the first convention, planning campaigns and speaking before legislative

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