The Influence Of Astrology: Maimonides

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Dr. Joy
CIV 203
Astrology is the study of starts and space on humans that related to events, and it is defined as a belief when a person is born, the human destiny is affected by the stars and planets in the superiority. Moses Maimonides, original name is Moses Ben Maimon, known as Rambam. The charities in religion and philosophy, and medicine have affected similarly Jewish and non-Jewish scholars. Maimonides was born in a famous family from Cordova Spain, and Moses educated and learned with his scholarly father, Maimon, and other leaders and soon he surprised his teachers with his extraordinary wisdom and flexibility. People have star and planet signs that relates to the date of their birth, and they want …show more content…

Maimonides uses his discussion of astrology to comment on four larger questions which are rule in the universe, creation, providence, and human freedom, and there are some diverse ideas and backgrounds on these four questions based on the philosophies, Bibles, and astrologers.
The rule in the universe is one of the cases that has had different views based on the society especially the non-Jews philosophers who say the universe dose have a ruler. There is always the question about the ruler of the universe, and the answer is God. The universe is very huge, and it is small at same time. There are two possibilities ether the universe is came by chance or someone ordered in the unique ways. On the religious views, God is the ruler of the universe which is mentioned on the Bible because he crated the earth and heaven at the same time and after he provided the light which is the sun, moon, and stars. The earth was out of shape and void, and the space was only wide and deep darkness. In reality, the law of nature depends on the God's willpower. When the rule of universe comes to the philosophers, people …show more content…

Deism is the idea that believes God does exist and he is the clockmaker who create the clock, and God does not intricate with the universe. The Trinity, the muse of the Bible, the deity of Christ, miracles, a salvation were rejected by the deists, and Deism photographs God as heartless and simple. Also, based on the Deism, human race is preferred by the god instead of individuals that means God cares the human species, and if an individual has a cancer it means he or she has matter of chance or luck. It is known as general providence. On the other side, there is Bible that is opposite to the Deism because in this case God cares about individuals, and it means special providence. The Bible shows God as active or caring, and the Bible demonstrates God as dominant. It is impossible for humans to evaluate and analyze God's plan and strategies. The disappointment of our misunderstanding to the God and his power should not lead us to the distrust his presence, and Providence means that God sign is the self-driver of the human events at the mighty night. Simply, God’s providence represents His seeing approximately ahead of time. It is not related only to time while our Creator ensures really understand the conclusion from the foundation. The great fact that comforts believer is that Jesus says to us we are more appreciated than those humans who never

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