The Industrial Revolution in Enlgand

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The Industrial Revolution in Enlgand

Geographic features are often an important influence on specific events.

Throughout the world many people have been subject to certain actions due to their

geographical location. The Industrial Revolution in England, building the Suez Canal in

Egypt, and European efforts to colonize Africa are three of many examples.

The Industrial Revolution in England was helped brought about by its geographic

features. One geographic feature of Great Britain that contributed to this event is its

island status. The British Isles are separate from the main continent of Europe which

allowed the Britains to do more things on their own without being bothered by bordering

nations. They were able to spend more time and concentrate on industry because they

didn't have to deal with the major land wars and other disputes that took place on the

main continent between bordering nations. Also England's island status caused it to be a

very seafaring nation and a very imperialistic government. Due to the smallness of the

isles, the Britains constantly sent out ships to other parts of the world to make them part

of the empire and expand their industry while at the same time expanding its borders and

ability to claim natural resources.

The building of the Suez Canal in Egypt was another result of particular

geography. Since the times of Ramses II to the present day canal, waterways have been

built across the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt to connect the Red and Mediterranean Seas. It

was and still is an ideal spot to build such a canal because of its elevation and proportion.

The fact the isthmus is so narrow and fits perfectly between the seas a canal could've been


European efforts to colonize Africa is a third example of geography influence.

"The scramble for Africa" was a result of natural resources and territory being necessary

for European industry. Africa was a very underdeveloped continent with vast amounts of

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