The Inaccuracy Of The Movie Troy Essay

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The Inaccuracy of the Movie “Troy”

Troy, is a Hollywood blockbuster based on Homer’s poem “Iliad.” Consisting of a timeless storyline, beautiful scenery, bewitching actresses/actors and a whopping multi-million dollar budget, it is not surprising to see why this movie is such a hit. However, many critics have a bad opinion towards Troy because it has been proven as a loose adaptation of Homer’s poem. In comparison to Homer’s Iliad, Troy is seen as a disappointment. Lack of Gods, characters, plot development, and the addition, exclusion, and reversal of certain key points make this re-enactment more of a modification of the “true” story.
1) How does the film Troy, portray the period and events it describes?
Troy, portrays the period and events it describes very poorly. Much of the content that was in troy was inaccurate even though it got the significant events right. For example, h the movie got the part where the Trojans took the wooden horse into the walls correct, and during this time Achilles was shown to be inside of the horse. However, the written history states that Achilles had already died before the horse had entered into the city.
2) Based on text, lecture, and the internet, to what extent is the film Troy, accurate? To what extent is it inaccurate?
There are a few things which were accurate about Troy. One thing is the way battles started. Before a battle the opposing armies would taunt each other followed by major warriors from both sides dueling in a one versus one battle. This was portrayed a few times during the course of the movie. It did a very good job of also showing the layout of Troy, the characters mentality during battle although these things were more generic, a...

... middle of paper ... thought to be the two greatest warriors of their era. Achilles, wins eternal glory by craving as much war as possible so that people will remember his name even after death.
Even though Troy was a great Hollywood blockbuster and made tons of money for its action and story, a lot of this was incorrect. Many of the events portrayed in this film were inaccurate, and is very misleading if the audience watches this for learning about ancient Greek history. The Iliad, the story off which this movie is based off of is very different from it and the movie is seen as a disappointment for many historians. It however does do a good job in showing many themes which the Iliad also represented such as love and the glory of war. In a nutshell, even though the movie is not very accurate when it comes to historical accuracy, it does a good job in keeping the audience entertained.

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