The Important Of Critical Thinking: The Importance Of Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking is when an individual identifies and evaluates outside sources before making a decision. This is a very important still to learn to become an effective thinker and making educated choices. Critical thinking is fundamental when making choices, from selecting the right answer on multiple choice exams to choosing the right place and time to buy a house. An individual that has learned critical thinking is less expected to make poor choices that could potentially harm him or affect others. In theory this individual could calculate the consequences of his actions. A good critical thinker doesn’t need to memorize huge amounts of information. Instead, he asks questions, is open to alternative solutions, formulates theories, …show more content…

For example, a teacher could perfectly pass on the necessary knowledge to a student to pass a test and advance to the next level or class. But if that same teacher could nurture critical thinking skills to that same student, she would be giving his a true education that he will carry forever. Memorizing facts is a great skill, don’t get the wrong idea, but this skill has a limit to short-term time spans if the knowledge is not used constantly. With critical thinking this is not the case. An individual will be able to assess the validity of the information provide or that he has gathered and apply this information to solve any problem given. This will allow you to process information and take more logical decision. “A person with critical thinking skills is capable of upgrading his own knowledge and can easily engage in independent self-learning. He can find connections between diverse streams and pieces of knowledge and can assess the value of the information he acquires.” 1 This tells us that an individual with critical thinking skills is capable of judging to a certain extend what fragments of information he needs without being distracted by whatever information he will not find useful. With critical thinking, an individual and improve himself time and time …show more content…

“The fact that critical thinking relies upon criteria suggests that it is well-founded, structured, and reinforced thinking, as opposed to “uncritical” thinking, which is amorphous, haphazard, and unstructured.”2 For instance, it is important in the academic field because it facilitates the individual to analyze, evaluate, and explain their thought in a clear manner. However, having this knowledge of logical inquiry doesn’t exempt people from making mistakes. Character traits such as bias can affect the effectiveness of the critical thinking process. Critical thinking skills can also be used by nurses during patient assessments. Through critical thinking, nurses can come to conclusive diagnosis or decisions of the situation at hand. Some Colleges now-a-days are including this skills in their curriculum to continue the professional development of their

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