The Important Features of a Mosque

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The Important Features of a Mosque

Possibly one of the most important aspects of the Islam religion is

the Mosque, which means "place of prayer". This is seen as the centre

of the Islamic community and is where Muslims join together to worship

Allah, pray, and learn about the religion. Also, weddings, festival

celebrations, and meetings of the Muslim community are held there.

On the outside, many Mosques are plain and not elaborate at all

although, it is not wrong for them to be grand. They are usually

rectangular in shape and two features of them would be the dome and


The dome is situated on the top of the roof and symbolises the

universe. A minaret is a tall tower and every Mosque must have at

least one. From here the adhan, call to prayer, is called by the

mu'adhin. Most modern minarets have loudspeakers to drown out the

noise of traffic, etc. The adhan is translated as:

"Allah is most great, Allah is most great. Allah is most great, Allah

is most great.

I testify that there is no god except Allah. I testify that there is

no god except Allah.

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. I testify that

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Come to prayer! Come to prayer!

Come to success (in the life and the Hereafter)! Come to success!

Allah is most great. Allah is most great.

There is no god except Allah.

(Morning prayer) Prayer is better than sleep. Prayer is better than


The times that adhan is made is set by the sun. The first is made at

dawn, the second after the sun has passed the peak, the third mid

afternoon, the fourth after sunset, and the fifth when night begins.

Inside the Mosque, as a mark of cleanliness and respect, shoes must be

removed. Before praying, Muslims must wash in a special way called

Wudu, which they were commanded to do by Muhammad. This makes them

clean for prayer as they are about worship and be in close presence

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