The Importance of Determination in the Lives of Benjamin Franklin and Christopher McCandless

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Benjamin Franklin and Christopher McCandless both demonstrate that determination often leads to greater skills and intelligence. Throughout Ben Franklin’s life he gains a lot of intelligence through his determination to do new things and his strive to do better. Chris McCandless gains a lot of life skills through his determination to go and live in the wild. Determination played a key role in their intelligence and success.

“There was just no talking the guy out of it,” Gallien recalls. “He was determined. He couldn’t wait to head out there and get started.” This precisely characterizes Christopher McCandless determination in Into the Wild because he says there was nothing he could not handle by himself. McCandless was not forced to live his life the way he did. He chose to abandon his nice life with all of his money as well as everyone and everything he had. He faced challenges every day that were much more difficult than the ones an average person would face on a daily basis. However, he still chose to stay fully committed to the way he was living his life.


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