The Importance Of Stimulus Variation

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A teacher uses hand gestures, head and body movements, verbal statements in order to draw the attention of her students and to sustain it. The behavior of the teacher is a stimulus to the pupils. However continued use of stimulus may induce disinterest and inattention on account of so many psychological and physiological factors. The teacher must be skilled in securing and sustaining the attention of her pupils. Stimulus variation deals with a change or variation in the stimuli available in the learner’s environment. The teacher should know, when, how and what to change so that her students are attentive. Thus the skill of stimulus variation may be defined as a set of behavior for bringing about a desirable change in variation in the stimuli …show more content…

In order to secure and sustain the attention is main theme of this skill. Knowing that on the basis of psychological experiments that attention of the individual tends to shift from one stimulus soother very quickly. It is very complex for an individual to attend to the same stimulus for more than a few seconds. Therefore, for securing and sustaining the attention of the pupils to the lesson it is imperative to make variations in the stimulus. This is because attention is the important pre-requisite for learning (Brown, G.A., …show more content…

The change in the speech pattern makes the pupils attentive and creates interest in the lesson.
Change in Interaction Style When two or more persons communicate their views with each other, they are said to be interacting. In the classroom the following three styles of interaction are possible:
1. Teacher ↔ Class (Teacher talks to class and vice versa)
2. Teacher ↔ Pupil (Teacher talks to pupil and vice versa)
3. Pupil ↔ Pupil (Pupil talks to pupil)
All types of interaction should go side by side to secure and sustain pupils’ attention.

Focusing The teacher draws the attention of the pupils to the particular point in the lesson either by using verbal or gestural focusing. In verbal focusing the teacher makes statements like, “look here”“listen to me” “note it carefully”. In gestural focusing pointing towards some object with fingers or underlining the important words on the black board.
This means “stop talking” by the teacher for a moment. When the teacher becomes silent during teaching, it at once draws the attention of the pupils with curiosity towards the teacher. The message given at this point is easily received by the

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