The Importance Of Sibling Relationships

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Siblings are the friends we never got to ask for but with whom we are placed together by God. Siblings may be involved in our lives for as long as we are alive; therefore we share a bond that no one else is able to share with that person. They go through every season of life with one another whether it is the death of a parent, divorce, or children being born. But even if contact is broken for a period of time, a sibling relationship can be renewed at any time, which I believe to be truly unique. For as long as my mind can remember, my sister and I have always had difficulty getting along with each other. Being adopted from different families, we were already bound to be diverse from one another but it does not help that we have opposing personalities as well. From tonal volume to the way we reacted to punishments, my sister was determined to get her way and to make sure that everyone knew she was right. To sum it all up, we have never quite seen eye to eye, but through this project I will be acquiring knowledge from other wise writers on how to place our differences aside and learn how to live life to the fullest with her as my friend whether we are near or far. Siblings are a very interesting idea to me because they can be a best friend but they can also be more than that if one so chooses. Julie Nelson (2013) states "My siblings have certainly seen me at my worst, and I’ve seen them at theirs. No one has bolted. It’s as if we signed some contract long ago, before we were even aware of what we were getting into, and over time gained the wisdom to see that we hadn’t been duped” (web). I love this quote because it puts ‘sibship’ in a context that I have never thought of before. Siblings are like built-in best friends that will ... ... middle of paper ... ...ard work, it will eventually build into a strong relationship. In the grand scheme of things, I greatly value the relationship I have with my sister and I desire for it to only become stronger. Through this research, it has aided me by encouraging me to push through even when it is not easy. With our clashing personalities, it will be very difficult but I know that the Lord will bless my efforts to mend this broken relationship. Through the previous project, my aunt encouraged me to find her love language and tend to those needs because that will speak greater volumes to her than anything else. I love my sister dearly and I cannot wait to see how the Lord blesses this spark inside of me to pursue her friendship and companionship. I always want her by my side in the good times and the bad but we will have a long road ahead of us and I believe it will be wonderful.

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