The Importance Of Self-Advocacy In Education

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The intent of this research was to discover effective strategies for teaching self-advocacy to middle school students and how students benefit from this instruction. At the middle school level, the need for self-advocacy is strong and it is an ideal time for students to speak on behalf of themselves (Weimer, 1994). There are a variety of strategies that prove effective to teaching self-advocacy to middle school students. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students all benefit from a self-advocating student with learning disabilities.
Direct, explicit instruction of self-advocacy is crucial to gaining self-advocacy skills. The four components of the framework of self-advocacy help shape the curriculum for self-advocacy (Test et al., …show more content…

Students who receive direct instruction on self-advocacy and are involved in their IEP meetings achieve more goals and improve their academic skills. Not only are academic goals met, but also they develop important self-advocacy and communication skills to help them as they go on to high school, college, and to find employment (Mason et al., 2004). Learning these skills at a young age help students cope with their learning disability and allow them to survive in any situation that life faces them with (McCarthy, …show more content…

Some studies report that self-advocacy instruction should begin at the earlier levels while others do not pinpoint an age. Overall, research suggests that instructing middle school students on self-advocacy is extremely beneficial to their success. Another area that needs to be researched is involvement that teachers should have in this process. Although high value is placed on the importance of these skills and strategies in the classroom, teachers need to be more prepared to teach self-advocacy and help students with the IEP process (Mason et al., 2004). Teachers should receive more training in order to help students learn and express these skills. With out teachers to help students through this process, students with learning disabilities will be unable to master self advocacy. The interventions suggested help the path to mastery of self-advocacy in middle school students with learning disabilities and with a consistent instruction of self-advocacy, they will not only succeed in those areas, but they will have a better quality of

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