The Importance Of Product Humanity And Human Personality

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From the Chapter 3 I described how to impact agronomical form of footwear for human physically and physiologically. Likewise from the 4th chapter I hope to describe about product personality and human personality, because both of them can be influenced for the main topic (the impact of footwear form for human personality) Now a day Footwear is a fashion as well as a product. Product is an essential thing in human life. Human use product for fulfill their conditions. Products have an external value and internal value, External appearance is a first signal of communicate with user. Connection of the User and between the products is strong from the product appearance. According to the How Consumers Perceive Product Appearance: The Identification of Three Product Appearance Attributes article describe there are four motives in appearance. “The meaning the appearance of a product communicates helps consumers to assess the product on functional, aesthetic, symbolic or ergonomic motives” (Blijlevens, J., Creusen, M. E. H., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2009). 4.2 perceptions Perceptions mean the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. ( Human …show more content…

These motives play a role in the overall product appraisal. For example, when a product looks modern, it has a positive effect on product appraisal when consumers are motivated to assess a product on its aesthetics (Creusen & Schoormans, 2005). In practice, designers often face the difficulty of how to incorporate an intended meaning in a product design. When the product meaning that is communicated is not clear to the consumer, he or she will have difficulty assessing the product and will appreciate the product less. Therefore, it is valuable to provide designers with guidelines that can be used during briefings at the beginning of the design process or in product evaluation studies at a later stage of this

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