The Importance Of My Life

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I often find myself wondering what my life would be like with her here or if I turned out to be how she imagined. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard I try, no amount of research or begging for answers from God will help me. Unlike these few things that will never be known, I will always know her smile, crave her laugh and appreciate the impact my beautiful mother had on this earth. Some days it hits me harder than others that I no longer have a mom, but remembering the feeling helps like medicine. Not knowing at the time the little moments I shared with her would turn into memories I would cherish forever. Through my mom’s journey with cancer she always had a smile on her face, even on her last birthday she would ever experience, just nine days before we would have to say our goodbyes. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, however my sister Sarah and I were stuck in a van with our youth group leader. We were on our way back from a Church camp we attended for the weekend in Topeka. During the three-hour drive home, we chatted about many things that happened during the weekend. I liked having the weekend away from my parents but just like any twelve year old, I got home sick and was ready to see them. My dad was …show more content…

Dad lit the candles on her heart shaped cookie cake, the lights dimmed and shaky voices began singing happy birthday. Everyone saw how happy she was with my dad sitting next to her holding her hand and all eyes were on the happy couple. A box of tissues was getting passed around the room and I imagine it must have been bittersweet for my mom to witness; nevertheless she looked very pleased as she gazed around the room. Everything started to move in slow motion. I realized in those 20 seconds that my family and friends were there for her. Not because she was dying, simply because it was her birthday and on birthdays you celebrate life not

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