You Re Pmsing: Differentiating Women

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“In order for women to accept themselves everyday of the month, cultures must change the way menstruation is viewed, and women themselves must take control over the way they… feel about menstruation” (Johnston & Chrisler, 2013, p. 12). People value the thoughts of others, so much that they forget to be who they are and have created a facade to hide behind. Women often feel obligated to hide their menstruation. It is taboo for women to be open about their bodies. If they were to openly forecast it, their actions and choices would be questioned by others. However, people should be open and judgement free about the topic. People should not quickly point out that a women is “PMSing” because of an unexpected reaction. The phrase “you’re PMSing” …show more content…

Ida Emilie Brantelid, Helena Nilver, and Siw Alehagen, professors of Division of Nursing Science, Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences at the Linkoping University respectfully, reported that “this can be interpreted as a social norm indicating that menstruation is something that all women should have, but the social context prohibits them from letting anyone else become aware of it” (2014, p. 607). It is believed that society has created an unspoken, but clear message, that tells women that they should keep their “problem” hidden from everyone. It could be seen throughout advertisements for sanitary products; such as tampons and pads. “Ads for menstrual products have contributed to the communication taboo by emphasizing secrecy, avoidance of embarrassment, and freshness” (Johnston & Chrisler, 2013, p. 11). By degrading this inevitable biological process, people harm women’s self-esteem, and may cause them to feel the need to be extra careful when publically handling sanitary products. They exchange them with other females under tables so people will not know. It is not right that women have to hide such a natural processes that they have to live with for many years. “Over almost 40 years, menstruation is a part of female life” (Brantelid, Nilvér, & Alehagen, 2014, p. 601). It is time for people all around the world accept …show more content…

“They describe it as if it was uncontrollable and they are able to compare and identify a difference in how they act or react during this time and during the rest of the month” (Chekoudjian, 2009, p. 18). Many women claim that they notice a difference in their attitudes when they are PMSing. However, this could be due to the fact that all throughout a woman’s life she is told she is going to behave differently during this time period. This could signify that society may be at its point where it now looks for “differences” in one’s attitude to point it out and claim that it has something to do with their time of month.On the contrary, they could have further analyze their previous choice and have decided that there was better answer. For example, a female could be taking charge in a group project and is making sure everything is in order, but when someone fails to do their duty and are reprimanded they quickly tell her to calm down and stop PMSing. This should not be tolerable in any occasion. It is not right for people to put blame when someone just wants something to be done correctly. “PMS, anger, and emotions are considered a problem not because of the discomfort and distress they cause women, but because of its disruptive effect on others, especially men” (Hunter & Robinson, 2007, p. 5). Not only are people pointing out that PMS is a great factor in the choices women make, but they are

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