The Importance Of Maternal Education

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Mothers who receive a higher level of education might be able to provide better protection and health care for their children than those with less education. Without the proper nutrition and health care before and after birth, children will develop poor cognition, motor, and social-emotional maturity. Studies show a distinct relationship between mothers having a higher maternal education and the physical growth in children. With the higher level of education, women will have increased knowledge and understanding in how to increase the overall health and wellbeing of their children. It is noted that after the child’s birth the first few years are the most critical in the child’s life. According to Semba, et al., 2008 children who do not get the proper care cannot maximize and develop as functional adults because of growth stunting during childhood. He further stated that the consequences of growth stunting could adversely affect the quality of life of an individual. It is imperative to understand the implications of growth stunting on a child’s development, and the importance of maternal education in order to reduce its impact.
Current studies show that a higher level of education can decrease stunting in children by five percent. Additional studies show that an increase in the years of schooling has a greater impact on the children’s health and nutrition. For example in Kenya an increase in years of schooling for mothers increases their knowledge in choosing and providing better health care options for their children (Abuya, Onsomu & Moore, 2011). Studies have also compared a parallel relationship between maternal education and the level of income. Mother’s that are able to obtain a higher level of education have a greater know...

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... children in order to improve growth and development. While it is determined in this study that maternal education can prevent growth stunting in children, it should be realized that these studies are not conclusive in their findings as in some instance, internal and external validity could not be realized. For example, what defines wealth in some countries might not be the same determinant of wealth in another country. A mother might be capable of taking care of her child with the information and education that she has and not have a lot of wealth but the essentials nutrients or medication considered to necessary to developing a healthy child. Also, each study that was done should be collected and be repeated in a couple of years after the mother’s started to receive more proper education in order to see the impact or lack thereof on the development of the child.

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