The Importance Of Mandatory Drug Testing In Sports

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All sports have rules, whether it is a professional, college, or a high school level sport. No matter where you are playing the sport or what it is, the rules will be enforced. All rules are placed, and enforced for a reason, usually to ensure a safe, and fair playing environment for everyone involved. Mandatory drug tests supports the fairness in sports, helping ensure that everyone involved is equal when going against one another. Any athlete should not be permitted to participate in any sort of activity if their test returns positive. An athlete misusing prescription painkillers, smoking marijuana, or especially performance enhancers can cause an unfair advantage, or cause an unsafe environment for the team they are playing against, and …show more content…

When athletes are using performance enhancing drugs, it makes it unsafe, and unfair for any other athlete involved in the sport. Having mandatory drug tests for students would help lower the risk to becoming addicted to drugs as well. High school, and college is a prime time for students to be exposed, and pressured into taking drugs or drinking alcohol, and with not only athletes, but students in general, know there will be more frequent drug tests will be a strong deterrent against drug use. Athletes are supposed to represent your school, and the sport itself. How will the school look if half of their athletes are partying all weekend, and shooting steroids to gain artificial muscle to have an unfair advantage over not only their opponents, but teammates? School’s want their students, who have their names plastered across their jersey’s or sports attire to represent the school in the best way possible, and having students that are rumored or even known for using illegal substances will not be giving the school a good reputation. BP …show more content…

Mandatory drug tests would help keep performance enhancing drugs out of any sports, keep athletes safe, and making sure the game is played fair. With students knowing there is mandatory drug tests will keep them away from even trying drugs, and hopefully finding the students with pre-existing drug issues, and getting them the help, and attention they need. It will be a reason for students to say no to getting involved with drugs, and doing extreme harm to their body, and well

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