The Importance Of Landscaping

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Landscaping is the process of making a piece of land more attractive by decorating it in a variety of ways to appeal to a certain crowd of people. Many business and public property owners invest a large number of their funds for landscaping in order to make their property more appealing and attractive to both visitors and customers. When visitors are unintentionally busy gazing at the beauty and genius behind the arrangement and decoration of the area, they may not acknowledge the effects landscaping has on their overall experience. However, owners of these different forms of properties acknowledge the importance and cognitive effects landscaping have on their visitors or customers and invest a considerable amount of money towards landscaping …show more content…

The effects of good landscaping at different universities can be compared to the findings that both Adekunle and Basorun discovered while surveying people at Ekiti State University. The results of the survey suggest that sixty-three percent of both staff and students strongly agree that a campus environment can be sustained through landscaping. However, roughly the same amount of students that agreed that the environment should be sustained through landscaping also agreed that a lack of maintenance in culture followed by ignorance of the importance of landscaping is the major problem with the influence of landscape quality at the university. These findings suggest that the majority of students who are enrolled at an institution ignorant of the importance of landscaping pursue change in the institution in order to enhance their environment and …show more content…

From their research, both authors recommend the proper use and management of open space, landscape elements, as well as providing enough funds for landscape planning and environmental improvement for Ekiti State University. Being educated about the effects of landscaping towards the well-being of people both mentally and academically is a key factor to other universities to invest more in landscaping which will, in turn, improve the productivity and appeal towards their

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