The Importance Of Journaling

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In a perfect world, the holiday season conjures up images of caroling, gift-wrapping, snowball-fights, and memories shared with your family and friends.

However, the most wonderful time of the year actually probably leaves you feeling over-fed, heavy, bloated and contemplating why ‘yet-again’ you have allowed ourselves to slip off the ‘wellness bandwagon’ falling into a deep-deep slump.

Knowing this is is coming, why do you lose all control every single winter forgo all exercise and eat way to many slices of apple pie?

It is actually pretty simple and reason lies in your mind.

Your subconscious mind is overriding your conscious behavior.

Year after year, for your entire life, you have come to expect that you will spend winter sneezing, …show more content…

Journaling will also help you remain centered and calm. It bring you back to a place of intended concentration and awareness of the present moment.

Journaling helps shift your perception of what is going on around you and allows us to see things as they truly are. It is often so difficult to measure, gauge, analyze or understand why you are feeling the way you are feeling and getting your feelings out on paper will help you not turn to food.

This holiday season, I recommend starting a journal of everything you eat and drink, along with the amount of exercise, fresh air, meditation and sleep you are getting. Also, keep track of how you are feeling and what emotions surface that lead to unhealthy behaviors.

Although tedious, it is extremely helpful in determining trigger foods and lifestyle elements that were out of balance. In this space, you can start to notice patterns and become conscious of the choices you make and why.

Also, focus on and keep track of your desired intentions during the holiday season.

What thoughts come up during the day that are holding you back? How do you feel before and after your …show more content…

Make this specific to YOU. Be clear, let go of worry, and allow it to happen.

Ultimately, your journals will be a testament to a radical, remarkable health shift in comparison to other years.

Your entries will chronicle how you have adopted a new way of living through these months, as well as reflect your answers to life questions and the new perception of yourself. You will have the awareness to reach your goals.

Most importantly, journaling keeps you mindful - and by staying mindful of nutrition, exercise, and stress levels, you can avoid falling into a slump and creating weight gain in your body!

So, if you are ready to ‘shift’ this mentality, even slightly this year, and finally let go of those not-so-great feeling while you are packing up the decorations, start a simple journal to support you and bring a new awareness to your beautiful life.

All my love,


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