Teaching is a profession with an expanding array of principles, methods and approaches that can provide insights into better helping learners (Mai, Ngoc, & Tuan, 2013). Good teachers seek to develop teaching methods from appropriate research (Richards & Renandya, 2002) into planned lessons that are divided into smaller, achievable tasks with set objectives. Examples of this include task-based language teaching and attempts to apply cognitive brain research to teaching in efforts to make improvements in teaching, learning, motivation, memory, and other related factors ( Brown, 1994b; Richards & Renandya, 2002).
Both Krashen (1982) and Brown (1994a) presented teaching principles that have stood the tests of time. Principles equip “enlightened” teachers to incorporate any number of possible methodological, or pedagogical options (Brown, 1994a), in classes tailored to fit particular contexts. Therefore, theory from research into language learning takes on greater importance with a principled approach. This principles enable teachers, as “technicians”
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Interlanguage affects the linguistic domain and is dominant in aural communication within the social constructs of the learning society. Interlanguage requires supervision or the presence of at-least one competent interlocutor, whether it be face-to-face or through electronic media (Blake, 2011; Yanguas, 2010). It is less effective in text based learning, and even less in text based social media (Blake, 2009), unless the necessary structures are within the readers (Grabe, 2002, p. 279). However, Krashen (1989) found that interlanguage works through corrective-feedback in both writing and reading, and more so with students who are chasing competence or the mastery of skills (Billing, 2007
Goldenberg, C. (2008). Teaching english language learners what the research does—and does not—say. American Educator, 8-44.
racie Allen of the comedy team of Burns and Allen was once asked how one should speak French. She replied, “Well, you speak it the same way you speak English; you just use different words.” When trying to assist in instructing English language learners, they usually have many concepts and language abilities that they need to master, as do the teachers that are trying to teach them. With the incorporation of the concepts and approaches to identify and assess the issues and concerns that we have learned in our classroom instruction, such as lesson preparation, building background, and comprehensible input, we can indeed teach our future English language learners all the right moves with all the right words.
The purpose of this assignment is to explain the impact of English language learners in the classroom. As a foreign student, English language learner in the United States faces multiple challenges for achieving academic success. To successfully complete a task, they need to master both English as a language and how it is used in core content classes especially when they are an adult. When trying to assist in instructing English language learners, they usually have many concepts and language abilities that they need to master, as do the teachers that are trying to teach them. With the incorporation of the concepts and approaches to identify and assess the issues and concerns that we have learned in our classroom instruction, such as lesson preparation,
According to a well-known biblical story, there was once a universal language that everyone spoke and could understand. One day, the people came together to build a city in honor of themselves. In that city, they decided they would construct a tower that would reach to Heaven. However, when God saw their arrogance, he decided to confuse them by making them speak in different languages. As a consequence, the people were forced to discontinue the tower and tore it down.
Imagine being in the third grade again. You’re eight years old and it’s your first day of school. Anxiety and nervousness is overwhelming you. Not because of new teachers, classes, or friends. Not because you’re in a new hallway and are lost. However, when talking to some friends of another race in Spanish, an adult had mustered up the courage to tell you “You’re not Hispanic, you’re black, let us keep our language to ourselves.” That was the moment that changed how you saw yourself forever. Though it sounds quite harsh, this was my experience. From a very young age, it was always pounded into my mind that “you are how you speak” and I was encouraged to always put my best vocabulary on display. This meant doing away with the slang and colloquialisms
First and foremost, Jones and McLachlan (2009) argue that the acquisition of a new language within the classroom setting is best achieved when key linguistic competences such as, speaking, listening, writing and reading are interlinked to create a whole language experience (Jones and Coffey 2013; Kirsch 2008). Gardner (1983) researched into cognitive processes and suggested in his seminal theory that there is the existence of seven forms of intelligence, which are regularly targeted within the MFL lessons, such as kinaesthetic, visual, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, logical and verbal-linguistic learning (Goswami and Bryant 2007; Jones and Coffey 2013; White 2005). This suggests that if teachers provide opportunities for the pupils to access and participate in the learning, and make available ample opportunities for pupils to contribute their understanding (McCallum et al. 2000; Pachler et al. 2007) that children can be assessed using different assessment strategies suited to the learning style (LGfL 2011). As a result the scheme of work (Appendix 1) adopts a range of kinaesthetic, visual, audible learning strategies throughout and using a range of resources also allows assessment to consider the l...
En Colombia, debido a la nueva Constitución Política de 1991, en la que el país se reconoce como una nación multilingüe y pluricultural, se evidenció la necesidad de implementar un modelo de educación intercultural bilingüe1 en las zonas en que habitan comunidades minoritarias, y así, dar cumplimiento al artículo 8 de esta nueva constitución2. Posteriormente, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) implementa el Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo, el cual no sólo estipula lineamientos respecto al bilingüismo inglés-español, sino también al bilingüismo de lenguas nativas y español. Sin embargo, este impulso se ha visto fuertemente opacado por algunos factores como la errónea noción que normalmente se le atribuye a la palabra bilingüismo o por la aculturización que en muchos casos representa la escuela para nuestras comunidades étnicas.
“Schools are changing in ways that, up until a few years ago, we thought unimaginable. Today, schools are more diverse than ever, and those trends will continue into the future. Unfortunately, teachers and schools have not always met the challenge of linguistic and cultural diversity” (Laureate, 2014). We must take the opportunity to get to know our students in order to recognize and value their uniqueness. “Teachers must work to understand the cultures of their students in a meaningful way, which involves recognizing the beliefs, values, and behaviors that characterize the various cultures of their students. Students themselves can be a valuable resource in learning about a culture” (Trail, 2000). Observations are a valuable method of assessment. Through observations, teachers can take note on students’ development, learning styles, students’ needs, and cultural influences. Teachers can use these notes to make better choices that impact student learning. These observations and interactions will also help us learn about other cultures. Having the opportunity to observe and interact with the students will equip you with information that cannot be learned from a book.
Learning theories are used to develop curriculums that explain learning models used in education. These models help simplify education from the earliest stages of childhood through formal education. This paper will explore the learning theories and how they can be applied in developing a curriculum for learning and teaching language. The curriculum will include the epistemology, motivation, and methods of learning
The increasing impact of globalization has, in recent years, caused a significant shift in the goals of foreign language education from communicative competence to a requirement for intercultural communicative competence (Byram, 1997). He defined intercultural competence as the ability to establish and maintain relations with members of other culture but not necessarily linked to foreign language proficiency while intercultural communicative competence implies that the learner can do this in a foreign language (Helm & Guth, 2010). However, in a traditional language classroom, the focus of language teaching is to develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. If the focus on language teaching is to improve this set of
Facial expression. Tai (2014) states that facial expression is a universal language of human beings in which we can express our feeling, emotion and information etc. Dabaghi and Najarzadegan (2014) opine that facial expressions reveal the attudes of a speaker therefore second language (L2) learners look more at the faces of their interlocutors to use visual information to facilitate comprehension. With the help of facial expression, human being can show their feelings and emotions such as happiness, sorrow, and fear. Wong and Wong (1998, as cited in Kessler, 2007) state that facial expression between teachers and students is one of the most important factors for effective teaching and learning. As facial expression is used to express various
In this course I experienced an important change in my beliefs about teaching; I came to understand that there are many different theories and methods that can be tailored to suit the teacher and the needs of the student. The readings, especially those from Lyons, G., Ford, M., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2011), Groundwater-Smith, S., Ewing, R., & Le Cornu, R. (2007), and Whitton, D., Barker, K., Nosworthy, M., Sinclair, C., Nanlohy, P. (2010), have helped me to understand this in particular. In composing my essay about teaching methods and other themes, my learning was solidified, my knowledge deepened by my research and my writing skills honed.
Language is the most effective device of communication in everyday life. It has influenced people's cognitive development and it is the medium in which they translate their ideas and thoughts into a communicative form. However, to learn a language, whether a first (L1) or second (L2), one has to work hard and spend a great time. While acquiring a first language is a natural and unconscious process, learning a second language is a conscious and sometimes comes out of inner personal desire (Saville-Troike, 2006). In this case, the learner encounters difficult issues as he is exposed to new linguistic system different from his first language; his mother tongue.
Principle #1- Students must be engaged in language learning that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory.
As time goes by and as the global community develops, the world grows more and more international, making second or third language acquisition become necessary to the majority. With the growing importance of multiple language ability, more and more parents think of bilingual or multilingual education, which means acquisitions of two or more languages, for their kids. In fact, we do have many reasons showing why multilingual education is important and beneficial, such as aspects of interpersonal relationship, employment, brain health, and so on.