The Importance Of Grammar

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INTRODUCTION: Language proficiency can achieved through grammatically correct and effective use of language structure. Therefore, a sound of knowledge of the fundamental rules of grammar is essential for the acquisition of language competence. WELLCOME TO THE GRAMMAR TREE! A GRAMMAR TREE is lively book of learning grammar that deals with all the grammar rules that are easy to understand with real world examples. It will help you to learn more basic of grammar. Great care has been taken to explain the various grammatical items in easy language. A wide range of exercises, sentences, and examples. A conscious effort has been made to provide good material with Interesting and challenging quizzes. CHAPTER 01: PARTS OF SPEECH A single …show more content…

But, and, or because. She is clever but over confident. INTERJACTION Showing an expression or feelings. Harsh! Yippee! Wow! Oh my god I got full marks. ARTICAL They are used to complete the meaning of word. A, an, the Be an honest person.  NOUN: Noun is the name of any denoting thing, people, place, and animal, e.g. house, child, john, water, etc. Noun can be classified into the following kinds: 1. PROPER NOUN: It is refers to the Specific name of a person, place, thing, e.g. White house, United state of America, Harvard etc. Example: John and Merry went from Dubai to Canada. 2. COMMON NOUN: It is refers to the unspecific name of thing, person, place, whereas Harvard is the proper noun because it is the special state of united state, the word state itself common because it can refers to any of the state of united state. 3. CONCRETE NOUN: Words that we can be touched, smell, see and feel is known as concrete noun. Example: please pass the sugar. The boy took the cat for a walk. 4. ABSTRACT NOUN: Words that we cannot be touch or see it is abstract noun. These noun are also name of concept, quality e.g. honesty, poverty, love etc. Example: all we need is love. She never gave up his …show more content…

I am very glad to see you.\ 2. This letter is badly written. 3. We went direct to my grandfather. 4. I hardly work on Sunday. 5. I request you to kindly forgive me. 6. You may leave whenever you wish. 7. You will be on time if you hurry. 8. She is less shy than she used to be. 9. You were late although you hurried. 10. The children sing as well as could.  PREPOSITION: A preposition is a word that placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation the person or thing and some other words. Example: 1. The book is on the desk. 2. He went to his native place. There are three kinds of preposition: 1. Simple preposition: such as ( in, at, for, since, by , on etc) 2. Compound preposition: such as (beside, above, inside, before, among, etc) 3. Phrase preposition: such as (by way of, on behalf of, due to, in front, sake of, etc) EXERCISE: Fill the preposition in the blanks: 1. Monkey lives trees. 2. He is one eye. 3. The chairman was busy Monday. 4. Their grandparents will stay with them 5 o’clock. 5. I jumped the other

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