The Importance Of Fear

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“It’s not foolish to fear- it’s a matter of survival.” (Foolish to Fear) Fear is an emotion that all humans have. Since the dawn of time, fear has affected every individual to walk on this Earth. It is a vital emotion that can help one survive. The chemicals in one’s brain that react to fear are used to get him or her out of a situation. Fear also can be a negative emotion when a person overreacts over an irrational fear that has a very slim chance of actually harming him or her. Fear is a very necessary emotion that human beings must have, but can also be harmful depending on how one reacts to their threat. There are many instances in our lives that conduct fear. Whether they be a news report or a harmless spider, people react in different …show more content…

It is an essential part of every person’s life. In the article, Outsmart Your Brain: Use the Science of Fear to Tackle Your Biggest Challenge,” by Carolyn Rodriguez, it points out scientifically how there are ways to overcome fears. “The more we face our fear, the stronger the links become between our biggest challenges and safety-in other words, we succeed in mastering our fears.” (Rodriguez) Fear is something that can help people in situations, but also be unpredictable. Some of the fears people can have are over things that will probably never hurt them. Consequently, there are ways to face fears and be able to overcome them. Ordinarily, most individuals do not attempt to conquer their fear because they are unable to face the results. “In short, fear causes people to privilege psychological security over liberty.” (Routledge) Because fear has great power in a person, he or she most likely will have a hard time conquering their fears. This is why some sources say that fear should be completely eradicated from human beings’ daily emotions. Many people agree that having fear can result in too much harm to one’s mind, due to the fact that countless people have anxious tendencies. However, even though fear is uncomfortable, it must not be removed from a person’s feelings. “...ever since you were a small child perched at the top of a staircase or toddling near a hot stove, a logical, sensible, inbred

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