It is amazing to see how English has evolved from a very small ethnic groups: Angles and Saxons in the 5th century to the largest area of speaking. It is slowly but surely spreading to the whole world wide. Currently, there are approximately 350-400 million native speaker, 1 billion people across the world uses English as their second language and maybe 1½-2 billion people can understand it and have at least some basic competence in its use, whether written or spoken.
In the era globalization, it is undeniable that the common usage of English has become the international language of the world in the many fields such as in the field of science, aviation, computing, education, politics, business and etc. English play a critical role in
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English can be easier to understand among the suppliers, buyers and intermediates. Businessmen are more likely to conduct their transactions directly rather than rely on interpreters. Many U.S. and Europe companies have moved their production facilities to other countries like Asian to expand their business. There is a numerous of Asians are attending college in the United States and Europe country. These circumstances have served to improve the use of the English language. It is already the well path to becoming the world language and English is one of the language that totally lead to the businesses use. The use of English for the specific purpose of advertising in countries where it is not spoken as an official (first or second) language has become increasingly widespread. (Gerritsen, 2007). By studying English in promotional genres aimed at non-English-speaking target groups, students of, for example, international business communication and international marketing and communication management, increase their “awareness of the way in which English is present in the world around them” and their “understanding of how language in general, and English in particular, can be used by the business world in promoting their products” …show more content…
Much like most precepts that praise homogeneity, the one-organization one-human one- language fits-all social attitude appears to be simple. The economy-minded thinking of today recommends that this will happen progressively in multinational organizations. A typical language encourages socialization procedures, correspondence, and group building. Social character hypothesis proposes that language obstructions set limits with numerous undesirable outcomes. Also, the different options for a solitary basic language are expensive and bulky. Before making clearing determinations about English as a most widely used language, we have to think of some as inescapable drawbacks. Firstly, the status of English as a most widely used language of business. This "decision" is truly dictated by the provincial, monetary, and innovative force of English-talking nations in late hundreds of years. English as the prevailing language in IT and the general Internet is strengthening this pretty much as English is spreading by means of film, TV, and music. As an outcome, different language are vanishing speedier than at any other time, which makes language protection essential around the world as a piece of keeping up social assorted qualities. Besides that, a typical language gives individuals the fantasy of imparting viably and having the same connection and translation, notwithstanding when this may not be the
Language and culture are problematic issues when it comes to international marketing. When a company enters the global markets it has to deal with many issues, which do not exist when it comes to the local market. Language is one of the problems and is always a challenge. Even though English is spoken around the world in most cases it cannot be used as a language for international campaign. Therefore the translation of the campaign into the foreign language is very important.
English has the power to make communication much easier across different countries that have different cultures, hence different languages. In same interview conducted by Seham Kawthar, the interviewee states that English is a way interact with other people from different countries which you don’t know their language. The reason why the interviewee learned English was because many people knew how to speak English. Knowing English, one can communicate with other people wherever they go because English is spoken in a lot of countries. In Dennis Baron’s article called “The Tongue Who Would Be King,” that was published in Science and Spirit Newspaper in the year 2011, English has an official status in few colonies such as Nigeria, India, and many more countries around the world. It is used as a third language in order for people to communicate with each other from different cultures (p. 32). This is true because it can be in many places. Many friends tend to communicate to each other because they don’t know each other’s languages. Having English as a global language would not require any translations, similar to the pre-Babel days, where everyone spoke one language (p. 32). When everyone knows one common language, it makes it much easier to speak to each other. English is said to make communication easier amongst people just like the Latin language once did (p.33). For instance, English is used to communicate between diplomats and politicians from different countries to come to terms and world
“More and more multinational companies are mandating English as the common corporate language—Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor, and Microsoft in Beijing, to name a few—in an attempt to facilitate communication and performance across geographically diverse functions and business endeavors” (Neeley). There’s only a matter of time English becomes both the government and business language because it’s growing at an extraordinary
...ural cultures is inevitable that the languages don’t bring with them components that generate many disadvantages. On the other hand, although the idea of a lingua franca is probably a good opportunity for a global communication; the real problem is when this idea becomes an obstacle for many people. Now for instance the teaching English has become a massive international business, leaded from USA and UK. But nowadays with the technology and its great progress is inevitable that research and studies cannot build a project of truly effective simultaneous translator. Google Translate for example, has shown that it is possible to obtain a pretty close translation of the original message and this can be improved, meaning that the future generations will come to see English as something like calligraphy or Latin: prestigious and traditional, but increasingly dispensable.
Actually, the majority of people in the world “speak 1.69 languages- not high enough to conclude that the average person is bilingual” (source C). Having the ability to communicate in one language can help others communicate in everyday life from walking through town and shopping to making deals in business. Having a society that is monolingual can improve economies and relations throughout the world. Also, there was a survey in 2007 to determine the number of 5 year olds and older who spoke a language other than English at home. Out of the 280,950,438 people, 225,505,953 of them spoke only English at home (source E). This means that again 20% of people spoke a language other than English at home. English is a popular language, not just in English speaking countries, but also in countries that it is not the primary language. As the world changes, English becomes more and more of a necessity for society to communicate. As time progresses, English may be the only language needed to communicate more for people around the world. Through the globalization of the English language, its effects would greatly improve society by shortening time lost in language barriers and improve understandings of
...nology is moving ahead at the speed of light. With all this advancement comes the inevitable need for a language that unifies the world. The need for a common language to conduct our business and economic affairs, and our need to communicate internationally on political and world interventions has made English the leader in world languages. It is not the language spoken first by most, but it the language that the world uses when it comes together to communicate.
As an inevitable consequence of technology and globalization, society is demanding on adult population to learn English. It is widely known that English is the dominant language in business, tourism and science. That is why, as a lingua franca, knowing the language has become fundamental to enter the job market and to succeed in business and education. It is also evident that, for an effective communication among people from different countries, the English language is the best option. But this is just one aspect related to the many reasons that adults have to learn English in this society.
It has led to the development of new dialects and modification of existing ones. The British Empire has been able to spread the language across the globe and to date it is the most widespread language and most used in foreign transactions. Currently, the population of non- native English speakers is higher than native English speakers. This is a clear indication that English has become an international language.
It has been adopted by different sectors making it one of the most used languages in the globe. This has been attributed to its effective nature, easy learning and rich history. However, conservative groups exist who argues that there should be global language since it may cause the emergence of superior cultures. Nevertheless, it is evident that different cultures ranging from the early polish immigrants, the African American community, the advertising and media will greatly benefit from the globalization of the English language. This will prove in the end that English is indeed a global
The increase of the notion of global citizens is on the rise as many countries are competing for the superior in the political and economic field. In the world where emergence of idea and activity has been using as a soft power or what we called “public diplomacy” . Public diplomacy becomes the tool that settle the conflict space of value, power, and the global order in purpose of catering the pleasant political outcome around the globe which considers as a way to manifest the power beyond the national borders and to communicate not only to the foreign government but also with the people. Frequently, the language has made a great difficulty in catering of a diplomatic relations and English language is a way to solve this problems. The spread of English language requires all the world’s leader including South East Asia to use English to communicate with a global citizens in order to facilitate their international public diplomacy across the globe as well as promote their nation at the same time.
Clark, Dorie. "English - The Language of Global Business?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 26 Oct. 2012. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
The present paper attempts to find out the importance English enjoys in India in the present scenario. It tries to examine the back drop in which English [just one of around 6000 languages of the world and 780 in India alone]1 assumes such a significant stature. It deals with the status of English at present: it is the generally accepted language of the graduates; it is the window of opportunities; it improves our languages; it acts as a link among various fields etc. Moreover it is a powerful integrating factor that has compensated for the great language divide existing in our country.
In order to visualize the “global” as an adjective in the collocation “global language”, a study has shown the numbers of people speaking the language. According to them, there are about 6000 languages in the world and not surprisingly English is at the top of the list of most dominant. In the world there are 375 million first-language speakers, approximately the same number of second-language speakers and about 750 million foreign-language speakers (David Graddol, The Future of English? A Guide to Forecasting the Popularity of the English Language in the 21st Century. British Council, 1997). According to magazine Economist, more than one billion people speak some form of English. These numbers could make people think that English is really conquering the world which can be both positive and negative.
This essay will discuss how the English language contributes to globalization. It also shows some problems that arise from this. Furthermore, we will give or suggest some solutions for these problems.
It can be seen that English has become a global language, which is determined by lots of factors like history, culture and daily usefulness. Because of these factors, the number of people who speak English is still increasing now. English, as a significant part of social life gradually exerted profound impacts on education, job hunting and international communication. Also, it provides the whole world with a chance to share ideas and communicate freely. We are quite curious to see the further development of English as a lingua franca in the