The Importance Of Dark Matter And Dark Energy

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Dark matter is an invisible substance that makes up about 25% of the universe. Dark energy is the force that repels gravity which consists of about 70%. About 5% is the matter that we see today which includes stars and galaxies. Due to the fact that dark matter doesn’t interact with the electromagnetic force, dark matter doesn’t absorb, reflect or emit light. Dark energy doesn’t have local gravitational effects but it does affect the universe as a whole. The importance of dark matter and dark energy is that they make the majority of the mass in the universe. Dark matter and energy are important to how galaxies function and survive.
Dark matter must help make up 25% of the universes mass because if it did not, the elements of the universe would not hold together. This material cannot be directly observed. In the 1950s, studies about other galaxies showed the possibility that there is other matter out there that cannot be seen though the naked eye. In 2014, a particle physicist by the name of Andreas Hoecker who works as a deputy coordinator at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, stated that supersymmetry is the best theory they have to prove that dark matter exists and what it is. The supersymmetric particles are hypothesized particles that were proven to exist after experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider helps allow scientists see dark matter particles. The dark matter particles could disappear but they would leave energy and momentum that can be detected. Scientists use the amount of energy and momentum missing to infer that dark matter exists. The Large Hadron Collider can also determine the masses and cross-sections of dark matter.
It is only a possibility that dark matter exists ...

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...ity, strange energy-fluid that filled in space, and that Einstein’s theory of gravity could be wrong and a new theory could be found about the cosmic acceleration. Dark energy effects space and time. Dark energy overcomes gravity. In the 1990s, astrophysicists examined distant supernovae to calculate the deceleration of the universe. These astrophysicists were surprised by the results of actually seeing that the universe is accelerating. The Hubble law is the rate of expansion and acceleration of the universe. The results from measurements made off the Hubble law confirms the existence of dark energy and how much of it exists. Quintessence is the possibility that the universe is filled with a changing energy field. According to Einstein’s cosmological constant for a stationary universe, empty space can have its own energy and can increase when more space emerges.

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