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Importance of promoting cultural diversity
Importance of promoting cultural diversity
The differences between different cultures
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Culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively” (google). We need to implement a multitude of cultures within communities. Culture is seen everywhere- It’s the different behaviors shown by people, or the way people dress. But slowly, the cultures within some communities are being diminished because of gentrification or because of the fact people are disregarding the other cultures.
Culture is seen everywhere, from the street art on the corner; for example, the mural by the Allen Street bridge in Longview, WA, to the music people listen to on an everyday basis, whether it’s Nirvana or Katy Perry, Beethoven or Skrillex, these choices are polar opposites, kind of like cultures.
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While on vacation, people see the difference in the cultures. In China, they eat with chopsticks, in Antigua, they eat with their fingers. While on vacation, people will try to pick up the cultures ways of doing things, but in most times, will end up looking silly or downright dumb. Kincaid wrote about this in her book A Small Place, “ ...you have bad manners (it is their their custom to eat their food with their hands; you try eating their way, you look silly; you try eating your way, you look silly)” (Kincaid, 17). While people try their best to understand a lot of the different cultures, it doesn 't always work out for the best. They try and try again, but can come off as ignorant, which they don’t want, but happens …show more content…
Culture is important because it is seen everywhere, but with gentrification, it’s reducing the diversity of cultures in certain area’s, people are also reducing cultures when they move places because they either suppress their own culture when they should be embracing it or they disregard other cultures when they should learn about them instead!. How can we keep culture implemented in our communities? How can we be more inviting to more cultures? How can we be more
Culture often means an appreciation of the finer things in life; however, culture brings members of a society together. We have a sense of belonging because we share similar beliefs, values, and attitudes about what’s right and wrong. As a result, culture changes as people adapt to their surroundings. According to Bishop Donald, “let it begin with me and my children and grandchildren” (211). Among other things, culture influences what you eat; how you were raised and will raise your own children? If, when, and whom you will marry; how you make and spend money. Truth is culture is adaptive and always changing over time because
The culture of a community invariably determines the social structures and the formation of a society. Developed over time, culture is the collection of beliefs and values that a group of people maintain together. Culture is never constant, and thought to be continually renewed over years as new ideas and concepts become mainstream. It ranges from how people live, day to day topics for conversations, religion, and even entertainment. It is analogous to guidelines, or the rulebook of the said group of people. Society, on the other hand, emanates from the social structure of the community. It is the very institutions to which create a regulated and acceptable form of interaction between peoples. Indeed, culture and society are so perversely intertwined in a
“Culture is the name for what people are interested in, their thoughts, their models, the books they read and the speeches they hear, their table-talk, gossip, controversies, historical sense and scientific training, the values they appreciate, the quality of life they admire. All communities have cultures. It is the climate of their civilization ” - Walter Lippmann. Culture has immensely influenced people’s life and the way they view the world and others due to where, when, and how they’ve grown and the people and things they’ve been exposed to. It is expressed in our educational views, biases, physical materials, preconceptions, and more.
The United States is a country with a diverse existing population today; this country is known as a melting pot of different cultures, each one unique in its own respect. Culture; differentiate one societal group from another by identification beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, Art, fashion styles, food, religion, politics, and economic systems. Through lifelong, ever changing processes of learning, creativity, and sharing culture shapes our patterns of behavior as well thinking. The Culture’s significance is so intense that it touches almost every aspect of who and what we are. Culture becomes the telescope through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on around us. Trying to define the perplexing term of culture with varying component of distinguishable characteristics is difficult to restrict. Presenly, culture is viewed as consisting primarily of the symbolic, untouched and conception aspects of human societies.
The Role of Culture in Shaping us as Individuals Culture has a big impact on how we all fit in as individuals in today’s society, and since this assignment is about that I decided to include some of my own experiences to illustrate my point of view and compare it with those of my classmates and some of the readings. My family and I moved to United States in 1998 from Albania. My parents believed that I and my sister would get a better education here and also it would be useful and interesting to learn another language and its culture.
Culture helps bring people together who has different ideology, beliefs, language, and traditions. People learn from each other because they are different. What culture a person has mattered for parenting, learning, and early childhood development. The importance of culture in globalization and education is that it affects everyone because each individual has their own culture that distinguishes them from others. Culture shape who we are, it 's something that shapes our thinking and behavior (Nieto, S.1999). As Nieto explain culture is not a given, but a human creation that depends on a particular geography, temporal, and socioeconomic context (Nieto, S.1999).
Culture can simply be defined as R. Brislin put it: “Culture relates those aspects of society in which all of its members participate and that they all posses it and pass it down to the next generation” (Leontiev 51). The Russian...
Culture are norms and practices that are common to any society. An understanding about culture is important if we are to market our products and services to the global market. Culture is also about how different people give different meanings to the same object or phenomena. Because of our different culture, we tend to interpret things like colour, time, personal space differently.
Four months ago I described culture as “a makeup of different groups that someone can relate to, which in the end will form that person’s identity”. To some extent I still stand by this definition, but ever since then I have come a long a way in understanding culture and even experiencing it in different ways. This by itself has led me to be more introspective of my definition of culture and has made me realize that things aren’t always how we assume them to be. I found this out through one of my best friend’s presentation that I had to attend for the cultural activities assignment. Mirada’s’ presentation has really helped illustrate the diversity of culture for me. This has made me more respectful of other people’s cultures and beliefs, which
Culture is a mixture of different cultures and traditions mixed together into one society. America is known for being diverse; As a country we have different types of cultures that come together as one. Cultures are passed down from generation to generation. Throughout the years Cultures can change. Although in the united states you see discrimination of cultures that does not change the fact that it is considered the “melting pot” of cultures. Cultures come together as one when traumatic events occur in America. This makes many Cultures want to come to America and have the freedom to practice any culture that they want.
Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho once said, “culture makes people understand each other better” (Interview). And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers.” Culture is a way of thinking, behaving, and representing a group of the same morals and art. Culture gives us a sense of belonging in society, and differences in cultures lead to diversity in people from different parts of the world. Our cultural values and beliefs manifest themselves through lifestyle, making the United States a multicultural society.
Culture, a word almost everyone hears whenever there is sociological discussion that transcends various formats ranging from scholarly articles to local news station broadcasts. Culture contains a myriad of definitions depending on the perspective and lenses used to view it. Since it is a difficult concept to grasp at first, we do not realize the true scale of culture and its responsibility in dictating many actions within our daily lives. Different cultures are found all throughout the world, from the ever increasing western culture to smaller tribal cultures such as the wintu in California (“Vanishing Voices”). What must be taken into account is the fact that culture is heavily intertwined within society, since they both interact with each other in some way.
Human culture is firstly come from our ancient species, and it moved on with our ancestors’ culture to ours’ today. According to Diamond’s book which is Guns, Germs, and Steel, when human beings existed thousands of years ago, anthropologists discovered that human beings’ origin came from Africa. However, humans have developed dramatically over a few thousands of years (Diamond 1999). They spread and colonized in different parts around the world. Moreover, they evolved and used some methods to transport from one continent to another. In regard to humans expanding worldwide, they adopted their attitudes to the new environment that they colonized in. Therefore, even though that human beings root came from their ancestors who lived in the same continent which is Africa, people
Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects and behavior. It includes the ideas, value, customs and artifacts of a group of people (Schaefer, 2002). Culture is a pattern of human activities and the symbols that give these activities significance. It is what people eat, how they dress, beliefs they hold and activities they engage in. It is the totality of the way of life evolved by a people in their attempts to meet the challenges of living in their environment, which gives order and meaning to their social, political, economic, aesthetic and religious norms and modes of organization thus distinguishing people from their neighbors.