The Importance Of Competency Management

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Competency mapping the buzz word in any industry is not complicated as it may appear. At the heart of any successful activity lies a competence or skill. In recent years various thought leaders in business strategy have emphasized the need to identify what competencies a business needs, in order to compete in a specific environment. Competency mapping is a strategic (Mily Velayudhan T.K, 2011) HR framework for monitoring the performance and development of human resource in organizations.
Competency mapping is gaining much more importance and organizations are aware of having good human resources or putting the right people on right job. It is important and essential exercise. Every …show more content…

The value of competency mapping and identifying emotional strengths is that many employers now purposefully screen employees to hire someone who can be an effective time leader or who has demonstrated great active listening skills. Alternately they may need someone who enjoys taking directions. When individuals must seek new jobs, knowing one’s competencies can give one a competitive edge in the job market. It has been proved by various scholars that all individuals have competencies. Only the combination and degree of these competencies differ from individual to individual. Hence organizations have to identify the critical basic competencies required for individual employee to deliver their best in their organization. The importance of mapping the competencies proves critical for organizational success.
3.3.1 AryaChanakya, a well known royal adviser and prime minister from Vedic India, penned a famous book known as the Arthashastra which is probably the first book on competency mapping. The book contains competency mapping models, the thesis and theories of human aptitude, intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and in general everything that is related to human behavior regarding work, logic and emotions. This book is an excel-lent leader and management book and is more than 3000 years old.
3.3.2 According to Boyatzis (1982):“A capacity that

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