The Importance Of Commercial Surrogacy

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Surrogacy, a practice wherein a woman carries and gives birth to a baby for a couple who want to have a child, seems to be a gift, nonetheless, a deeper investigate into the veracity will reassure you that nothing is close to being perfect. Surrogacy poses as a serious threat to human rights and has been thoroughly condemned as it acts as a channel for the exploitation of surrogate mothers. Numerous cases in India, USA, China and several other countries have catapulted surrogacy into the forefront of public debate and policy. For some, surrogacy is a fundamental human right whereas for others, it is a gross violation of human rights. In India, Surrogacy is highly unregulated and hardly ever monitored. There is no binding law protecting the …show more content…

The aim of this paper is to examine the human rights violation on women as a result of commercial surrogacy and to propose ways in which amends ought to be made to the current Indian laws and regulations to improve the present condition of women in our country. Keywords: Commercial Surrogacy, Human Rights, Violation, Exploitation, Women Introduction Surrogacy refers to an arrangement whereby a woman called the ‘surrogate mother’ agrees to become pregnant for the purpose of gestating and giving birth to a child for others to raise. She may be the child’s genetic mother (traditional surrogacy) or she may be implanted with someone else’s fertilised egg (gestational surrogacy). This practice has gained a lot of prominence as it provides many infertile couples with genetically related children. Surrogacy also helps homosexual couples to have genetically related children and can assist a single man to start a genetic family. Commercial surrogacy can be categorised as altruistic, wherein the surrogate does not financially

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