The Impacts of Adolf Hitler

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What impacts did Hitler have at the time and later in history? The start of World War II was one of the biggest impacts. There were many countries involved in this war. The major countries under the allies were Britain, France, U.S., Soviet Union, and under the axis also had major countries like the Germany, japan, and Italy. The Germany was at its peak. And it was all because of one man, Adolf Hitler, he was one of the most dominant German leaders in history, no doubt about that. Other superior leaders during World War II were: Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and the japan emperor Hirohito. Hitler was responsible for nearly 50 million deaths all around the world, and most importantly his hatred toward the Jews, he hated the Jews so much that by the end of the war, he had killed over 6 million Jews. Hitler also invaded 39 countries. There were also many positive impacts such as U.S. getting out of the depression, the new inventions of military weapons and technologies, including the atomic bomb. The united states were the first to use it to defeat japan, who was German’s ally. He also had many impacts even after Hitler died such as the formation of the Neo Nazism, and it’s still in effect in some countries. They are the group of white people who believed in Hitler and Nazism, and in order to revive the Nazism, that’s where the Neo Nazism comes in. neo Nazism established in Austria, united states, Russia, Belgium, and many other countries. Neo Nazism was mainly against the blacks, the illegal immigrants, anti-Jews, and anti-Asians. But for the past few years, the neo Nazism has been on the decline. His impact on media was also enormous because they were accredited to make movies about Hitler,...

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...essay on him? If Hitler had never gotten into politics in the first place, the outcome would have been completely different. And who knows, there would not have been a World War II, or the japan bombing the Pearl Harbor, or the U.S. dropping the atomic bombs on japan which people there are still suffering through even today. If only Adolf Hitler had not become the leader of the Germany.

Works Cited

Estimated War Dead World War II. n.d. 19 April 2011 .

history learning site. 2000. 14 april 2011 <"Adolf Hitler." history learning site. N.p.,>.

Kerbo, Harold and Hermann Strasser. Modern Germany. McGraw-Hill , 1999.

Langer, Walter Charles. The mind of Adolf Hitler. Basic Books, 1972.

Roper, Trevor. The Last Days of Hitler. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1962.

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