The Impact of Keynesian Theory on Roosevelt's New Deal

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The Impact of Keynesian Theory on Roosevelt's New Deal

The crash of the stock market brought many hard times.

Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was a way to fix these times. John

Stuart Mill and John Maynard Keynes were two economists whose

economic theories greatly influenced and helped Franklin D.

Roosevelt devise a plan to rescue the United States from the Great

Depression it had fallen into. John Stuart Mill was a strong

believer of expanded government, which the New Deal provided.

John Maynard Keynes believed in supply and demand, which the New

Deal used to stabilize the economy. Franklin D. Roosevelt's

New Deal is the plan that brought the U.S. out of the Great

Depression. It was sometimes thought to be an improvised plan,

but was actually very thought out. Roosevelt was not afraid to

involve the central government in addressing the economic problem.

The basic plan was to stimulate the economy by creating jobs. First

Roosevelt tried to help the economy with the National Recovery

Administration. The NRA spread work and reduced unfair competitive

practices by cooperation in industry. Eventually the NRA was declared

unconstitutional. Franklin D. Roosevelt then needed a new plan.

Keeping the same idea of creating jobs he made many other

organizations devoted to forming jobs and in turn helping the economy.

One of those organizations was the Civilian Conservation Corps. This

corps took men off the streets and paid them to plant forests and

drain swamps. Another of these organizations was the Public Works

Administration. This organization employed men to build highways and

public buildings. These were only some of the organizations dedicated

to creating jobs. Creating jobs was important because it put money in

the hands of the consumer. This directly affected the supply and

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