The Iliad Research Paper

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Homer’s epic, the Iliad, is an indispensable source of information that has had a major impact on individuals from many different time periods. The significance of The Iliad extends to its usage by Greek Emperors for advice and knowledge. Our knowledge today concerning that time period comes from the Iliad, and the principles and overall value of the Iliad has shaped the education system of today. The Iliad provides principles and laws of life that each individual must follow in order to be successful. It dictates the codes by which one must abide in order to gain respect and honor in one’s environment. In addition to providing guidance information, the Iliad was also a major source of battle strategy. Emperor Alexander the Great of the Hellenistic …show more content…

In schools, the Iliad is taught as a classic and is also used as the basis for comparison between texts of later time periods (Source 5). According to Joel Rosenthal from the Carnegie Council, “Classics are read as they portray something about human nature” (Source 5). They help us travel through time and identify its evolution, and how human experience has changed alongside it. The poem allows us to visualize the importance of virtues such as honor, responsibility, and dignity, and also analyze their antagonistic contributions to society. With the help of that, the Iliad emphasizes the pain and agony of death scenes to provide a sense of realism to the reader; a method for one to understand that this is how human nature once existed, and how war is in itself a living hell. Regardless of the time period in which it was written, the Iliad is much more than a book on war; it is a book on life and the lessons one can learn from past mistakes. Therefore, the significance of the Iliad in daily life is quite underestimated, but its true importance is …show more content…

The poleis(city-states) were constantly at war with each other, with each person fighting unto death, yet all historical accounts depict these moments as proud and noble points in time. Millions of innocents died as a result of these ruthless wars, but the consequences of the war were not always negative. War in ancient Greece was unique in that it was viewed in a completely different perspective than what modern humans would conceptualize. War is often depicted as moments of pride, dignity, respect, and prestige, which is also embodied within the Iliad. Homer’s epic provides an in depth analysis into Greek life during the Trojan War, as well as the image of war in society itself. Within the Iliad, Homer glorifies war through descriptive details of death, an emphasis on scenes of battle, and the consequences of winning a battle. With the help of the Iliad, it can be concluded that war is justified and glorified to signify the role of honor and dignity in warriors, the purpose of war in society, and the possibility of a peaceful afterlife following

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