The Icelandic Historical Period Portrayed by Njal's Saga

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The Icelandic Historical Period Portrayed

by Njal's Saga

The history of medieval Iceland and its society is evidenced through the sagas that were produced during that era. The history of the Icelandic Commonwealth is founded in the history of European settlers by their self- governing through common consent instead of a king or priest. This period reveals a political structure that emphasized a personal independence and law. As revealed through Icelandic Sagas such as Njal's Saga, there was no political state to enforce the rules and obligations of a structured society. The patriarchal society pursued its ends without any interference from a common enforcement agency and they acted on their own behalf to achieve safety and legitimate rights.

In addition, there was a moral base where honor and fair dealings, along with personal connections influenced the day-to-day lives of a society. Although the Christian influence almost brought Iceland to civil war, they accepted an arbitrator who decided that all Icelanders were to convert to Christianity. This conversion however was not an easy step to take, as evidenced in the sagas; with the still Paganist ways of killing each other for revenge. Njal's Saga reveals the realism concerning stories about individuals and families during a period of settlements in the late ninth and tenth centuries stretching to just after the conversion to Christianity around 1000 A.D. However, they are not actual histories since they were written long after the events occurred.

These sagas reveal the contentions that can arise between men in a stateless society, and follow a deliberate sequence of injuries; then cases of revenge and then settlement. They also valued heroic qualities like courage, loyalty, physical ability, and over-zealous defense of rights and honor.

However, it is very evident that quieter virtues such as wisdom and the ability to give good advice were important as well. This wisdom and advice is revealed through the character of Njal. Humankind's frailty is so thoroughly revealed through the virtues and vices that are unveiled in the characters, and sometimes they acted commendably and sometimes rather badly.

It is quite evident that the necessity for an executive government authority made it extremely difficult to organize any form of violence on a large scale. However, the code of law embraced by the assembly called the Althing, aided in resolving conflicts between individuals or clansmen.

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