Chasing Contentment: Rethinking the American Pursuit of Happiness

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As Americans, we are raised to be hungry. Hungry for wealth, hungry for fame, hungry for a higher status. Believing happiness comes along with these things, we reach higher and higher in search of more, in search of joy through physical possessions. But the harder we work and the more we strive, the less we experience pure joy. In reality, this true happiness comes from acceptance of what we have, not the desire for more. Contentment strongly differs from happiness, as simply the acceptance of what we already have. This joy isn’t found in money or numbers, but in the celebration of our current situation. Instead of the constant search for more, we should focus on the good that resides in the present. “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it” (Dale Carnegie). We do not achieve true joy through our possessions but instead on our outlook. In life, perspective on a situation completely alters what we think about it. Like a pair of sunglasses shields our eyes from the sun’s harmful rays, a positive viewpoint allows us to clearly see the world and appreciate the good in it. In order to find …show more content…

In the quest for more, we lose our happiness. We spend our whole day rushing through life and never slow down to appreciate the good, like eating dinner with our family or watching the sunset. Today’s culture advertises the need for newer houses and newer technology when frankly, what we already have will do the job. Working to fulfill worldly desires will bring about anxiety and an overwhelming feeling. Skinnier women, faster cars, and bigger TVs will be available to the end of time, but the constant struggle to reach perfection can lead to physical and mental exhaustion and take away satisfaction in what we

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