The House Of The Scorpion Summary

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In The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, the author creates a description with dialogue that portrays Matt’s feelings about life along with the passion to reconcile with Maria. It reveals Matt’s frustration and allows the author to show that Matt deeply cares for Maria, despite the fact that Senator Mendoza hindered their relationship. Mr. Mendoza speaks to Matt with indignation about how cruel and unfriendly he was towards Maria. He shows his true love for Maria, and while Matt feels guilty and later tries to apologize, Senator Mendoza has no remorse for him. Mr. Mendoza begins when he stated that Matt was “worse than an animal” (Farmer 133). Farmer uses the metaphor to emphasize how much Mr. Mendoza hates Matt. With effective use of personification, Mendoza then became …show more content…

He was perplexed, frightened, and bewildered by what just occurred. Matt finishes by exclaiming “I didn’t! I wouldn’t! I couldn’t do such a thing to Maria! I love her!” (Farmer 133). Clearly, Matt has a strong relationship with Maria since he shows so much fear and guilt in front of Mr. Mendoza, Maria’s father, who ultimately will approve of their relationship. The technique predominantly used in this passage is referred to as parallel structure. The author uses this technique to exasperate the desperation of Matt, and to emphasize how important Maria was to him. Farmer used ellipses to demonstrate pauses in speech; in addition, the author achieves an overwhelming effect by using hyphens as pauses. Obviously, the device also allows Farmer to reveal that Matt truly has love for Maria because he became nervous once their relationship became threatened. After Matt contemplates the entire enormity of the situation, he started to panic as he said the pronoun “I” frequently. Parallel structure, again, is used, to show the desperation of Matt in that given situation when saying “I didn’t! I wouldn’t! I couldn’t!” (Farmer

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