The History of Zambia

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The History of Zambia

24th October 1964, Zambia gained independence with president Kaunda for 27 years. Although during his early years great strides were made in the areas of education, health and infrastructure, his attempts to ‘decolonise the economy by nationalising it completely, produced only inefficiency, corruption and a disastrous decline.


Much of Zambia and the country's way of life is symbolized in the coat of arms. The black and white wavy bars in the shield represent the Victoria Falls while the hoe and pick above shield represent the labors of the people in agriculture and mining. As on the flag, the eagle represents the freedom of Zambia and its ability to rise above its problems.

The man and woman symbolize the Zambian family. The man is dressed in bush shirt and shorts, the clothes of a worker and the woman is in traditional dress. The maize cob, the mine shafthead and the zebra imposed on the national color (green), symbolize natural resources- -agriculture, minerals, game, and the land. The scroll carries the national motto--"One Zambia, One Nation".


Zambia's contemporary culture is a blend of values, norms, material and spiritual traditions of more than 70 ethnically diverse people.

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