The History of Trance and Its Evolution

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The History of Trance and Its Evolution 'Let me start by giving a quick historical rundown of trance and how

it evolved. In the beginning, people lived in small tribal groups

scattered around the globe - this is true from the America's to

Europe, to the Far East. Each small tribal unit usually had a

spiritual leader, what we now collectively refer to as a Shaman.

People were always aware of a vast and mysterious world around them, a

world they could not see. This world was a source of information, a

source of energy, and of inspiration. They could not see this world

directly, however - they could only see its reflections in nature.

They saw things they did not understand, such as lightning and

thunder; they saw cycles of life and death, and predator and prey. The

shaman was particularly aware of this hidden world, and made a study

of it. They found a relationship between their own thoughts and

dreams, and this hidden world. They developed this connection over

thousands of years, and evolved it with each new discovery. They found

spirits that resided in the hidden world, and spirits that would

reside in the actual link between this world and themselves - now

termed spirit guides. They went further to develop a way of dreaming

with intent, and dreaming with recollection. Some tribes focused more

on traditional dreaming and using recall afterwards, were others

developed conscious dreaming. Up to this point, most tribes,

regardless of culture, practiced in the same way. From here on in, it

started to change from culture to culture. In the European areas, the

druids started to use lighter forms of trance, closer to meditations,

while fully awake and performing ceremonies. In the Middle East, the

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