The History of American Education

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Schools have changed remarkably since they were first introduced centuries ago. Continue reading in order to find out how the past has shaped education, as we know it. There are six main eras or time periods in which important things occurred for the American School System, The colonial era, The growth of public schooling, The progressive era, the segregation and Integration era, the 1960s-1970s, and the 1980- present era. The first era was the colonial era, because the first schools were started in the 13 colonies. When schools were first started, they were only intended for males and had very limited facilities for women. Schools used to contain one teacher in each classroom, and things were taught differently than they are now, and students did not have to learn as much as they do know. The first American schools originated in the thirteen colonies during the 17th century, the first known public high school was in the colonies, and it was named the Boston Latin School and founded in 1635. It continues to thrive as the oldest living school in the United States. In New England grander schools opened up smaller schools called grammar schools, which are the model of the modern day high school. Schooling was put on by private teachers and a mix of publicly supported projects in the deep south of the North America. At least ten grammar schools had been created in the Georgia colony by the year 1770. South Carolina and Georgia began to fund the public universities following the American Revolution. South Carolina opened up “common schools” after 1811, where math, writing, and reading were taught. Public schooling was available to African Americans, but most of the schools offered were segregated. In the cities, after 1900, high school... ... middle of paper ... ...this point in time that’s the least of the government’s priorities. The fact that that many students drop out daily, seems to answer our unemployment crisis seeing that only 10% of jobs in the United States do not require a high school diploma. Current day education has a lot of problems with little doable answers, hopefully someday not as many 17 year olds will drop out of school due to reasons that are unexplained. In this paper, you have explored the history of American education. You have learned about the first high school and the current problems in present day schooling. Now the next time that you step into a school, go to a graduation, or walk your child into kindergarten on the first day of school, take a moment to think of how all of this came to be, and since you read this paper you will know the answer. Works Cited

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