The History Of The Synagogue

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The History Of The Synagogue
The synagogue is one of the most important aspects of the Jewish religion and community because it has crafted all churches and religious services we use in today’s world. The synagogue (from the Greek word for "assembly"), is a building where Jews gather for worship and religious instruction, and is one of the main focuses of Jewish life in every community. Ancient temples, including the Temple of Jerusalem, were regarded as resting places of the gods or goddesses of ancient Jewish heritage. Inside these temples, sacrificial ceremonies were performed by special priests. The synagogue, in contrast, is a gathering place for the people. Its services consist of prayer, song, and instruction. In fact, the custom of regular preaching originated in the synagogue. Any member of the worshipers with the necessary knowledge may lead the prayers and preach. The Christian churches and the mosques of Islam were modeled in reference to the synagogue. (Bamberger, B. J. (2014).
Despite lots of research and theorizing, when and how the synagogue emerged is not known. Synagogue buildings existed in Egypt and Palestine in the last three centuries B.C. Long before the destruction of the Temple, which was in A.D. 70. According to Bamberger, “The synagogues of Palestine and the Diaspora, a scattering population of people trying to return to their homeland, were the centers of Judaism and were used by the Pharisees, a political party during this time period, and their successors (the priests) to create a unified and informed Jewish community” (Bamberger, B.J. 2014). The ruins of the oldest known synagogue (1st century B.C.) were found near the West Bank town of Jericho in 1998. (Bamberger, B. J. (2014).

Synagogues i...

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...d a place for Jews to go and preach to their lord, while also having a place that allowed them to meet with each other and socialize. Much like todays gatherings such as church or meetings, it allowed them to have an essential meeting place in their communities. When the Nazi Empire was eliminated and the Jews were set free, they had nowhere to really go because they had been in captivity for so long. The synagogue has helped Jews since then regain their strength by connecting them with their lords and allowing them to be stronger in life. Without the synagogue, the Jews would not have had anywhere to go and preach and would have therefore have not influenced our churches of today’s world. The history that we know today and the ways of preaching would never be known if the synagogue had never been built, making it one of the most important points in Jewish history.

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