The Hindrance of Escalation

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The Hindrance of Escalation

The Industrial Revolution brought with it a new form of class distinction; society did away with feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, and serfs to embrace that of the bourgeoisie proletariat relationship. The bourgeoisie class, consisting of the modern capitalists, are the employers of wage laborers and owners of the means of production. The proletariat class is the much less fortunate modern wage-laborer; they do not have their own means of production and therefore must sell their labor in order to survive. Karl Marx expresses these ideas in the “Communist Manifesto” along with the theory of proletariat redemption and across the board equality. Orestes Brownson and Henry Ward Beecher, also writers of the time, express views that coincide with Marx’s concepts and ideas. The Industrial Revolution, birth of new class distinction, and the consequential societal norms framed Rebecca Harding Davis’ short story “Life in the Iron-Mills”.

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, and sociologist, as well as a political revolutionary. In 1843 he began constructing the “Communist Manifesto” alongside his companion Friedrich Engels. The Manifesto began by arguing class struggles and elaborating on the exploitation of one class from another throughout history. “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” (__) Marx explains that throughout history we see the oppressor and the oppressed in constant opposition to one another—sometimes openly and others concealed. Each time the fight ends between the two either a revolutionary reconstruction is implicated or in the classes demise. The Manifesto continues to show that the modern bourgeoisie is the product of several of th...

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... own. Mitchell, on the other hand, is intellectual like Brownson but meticulous filled with scrutiny. Mitchell understands the relationship and also understands that history repeats itself and that revolutions will ensue if given the opportunity.

“Yes, I mean just that. Reform is born of need, not pity. No vital movement of the people’s has worked down, for good or evil, fermented, instead, carried up the heaving, cloggy mass. Think back through history, and you will know it. What will this lowest deep—thieves, Magdalens, negroes—do with the light filtered through ponderous Church creeds, Baconian theories, Goethe schemes?” (57)

The men all represent a part of the cycle: the bourgeoisie, proletariat, those who watch and wish to act, and those who observe and keep their composure. They are all men of their time and they are all influenced by time and society.

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