The Heroic Journey

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This semester we learned about the path of the hero and his journey to over come adversity. There are stages and cycles that each hero goes through and has to over come. They progress through simplest to the most difficult. Over the course of the semester we went through a few of things. The creation, fall, redemption, and heroic journey; which includes, the call, supernatural aid, crossing the threshold, mentors, challenges, the climax(the top), the transformation, and then the return.
Life as it is, it passes by and unknowingly we take advantage of something that is so miraculous and wonderfully beautiful. God really is, “The Great Architect” He has made everything and created everything for us, his chosen children. There are separate and different accounts of the creation. Those from Genesis in the Bible and then that from Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price. The use of the different stories of creation allows those who tell it to use different type of mediums to portray it.
There are many in past, present, and will be in the future who create great works of art that show homage into the creator of all things. The mediums used to depict it are always different though. So just as the God of the Bible used mediums to create his great master piece, artists today do similar to the same. Whether it be art, literature, music, or some other they are use specific mediums to “create” their work. Take art, and specifically paintings, there are so many ways to make a painting. You can use different mediums like: Pencil, pen, charcoal, paint, and with in that there’s differences in those. Paints have different types, pastels, water colors, chalky paints. All these different type of mediums to create a piece of art that can be a m...

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... is his and returns to his great glory as king.
So just as each one of us, go seeking for these truths on out heroic journey through life we must always try and under stand the hero. Because the path of the hero is known and all go through this. We must undoubtedly go through the cycle of life. Just as Odyssey, or Sir Gawain do, each person will have their own challenges and feats, yet we must prevail. We are called of God to come to this earth to overcome great challenges, trials, and tribulations to make us meek, humble and stronger. The Hero's of this semester have taught me a lot about literature and humanities. Yet they all have a divine path that they follow or some sort of morals and code they live their life’s by. So we must all go through these stages in our life to try and do whats right the first time and if we fall to not give up and always keep going.

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