The Help Written by Kathryn Stockett

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Have you ever wondered what it was like to like in the 1960’s working as a maid? The Help written by Kathryn Stockett is a fiction story written about just that. The story of the maid and the woman who helped her have the courage to write the book is a fabulous story.

The point of view of the story is seen by Aibileen, who is telling part of the story but also by Skeeter Phelan. Aibileen is a black maid in the 1960’s who works for a white family and helps a young girl write a book about what it is like to be a maid in Jackson, Mississippi. Skeeter is a young white girl who just finished college. Aibileen’s perspective affects the novel because it gives a sense of what it was like to live in this age in time as a maid. Looking at Skeeter’s point of view, it is a look at what the rest of the world was doing. By giving both perspectives of both the characters, the novel can be seen from different angles and receive a whole new perspective.

The Help takes place in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962. Aibileen is a black made who works for the Leefolt family. Before this, she has raised 17 kids in her whole life time. She gets paid 95 cents an hour for keeping up with the house and especially taking care of baby Mae Mobley Leefolt. “She got big brown eyes and honey-color curls. But a bald spot in the back of her hair kind a throw things off” (Stockett 2). Miss Leefolt does not take care of her own child and Mae Mobley knows it. Mae Mobley tells Aibileen “’Aibee, you’re my real mama’” (Stockett 336). As part of Aibileen’s job, she raises Mae Mobley. Aibileen’s best friend Minny is also a maid who works for the awful Hilly Holbrook. However,

Aibileen tells Minny “’I think she got her eye on you, Minny. Just…be extra careful around her’”...

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...oth seen by the reader and gives a whole new tone and perspective to the book.

In the novel, I learned many things. The first thing is that times were ruff for those in the 1960’s. Things did not come easy. The second thing however is courage. Aibileen did what was right even though others were against her. She made her life known to the world while all the others were afraid to stand up for themselves. Through this, Aibileen’s character develops as well.

My overall evaluation of the novel is that the Help is a fabulous book and a must read! The novel is looked at by two different points of view and that helps in looking at both sides of the story. Many novels do not have this concept. Not only is the point of view written well but also how a story can tell so much about what happened only 50 years ago. The Help is a wonderful book and overall a great story.

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