The Handmaid's Tale Survival Analysis

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change.”(Darwin). In the novel The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, this statement could not be more appropriate. Not all survival is depicted by how robust you are, rather how durable your mentality is. Surviving will never be something that screams the word easy. Everyone at some point will have thoughts of giving up but it is the past experience that you hold onto that will keep you going. Some may choose to make risky decisions without thinking about the consequences. But all will have to act to make change in order to survive. So Margaret Atwood describes in her novel that survival is a natural instinct that all people have however not everyone in life …show more content…

Yet in order to keep safe you must be aware of the consequences that follow. Working together gives you strength and knowledge but you must be able to trust and rely on others. "Her fault, her fault, her fault, we chant in unison,”(88).The Handmaid's chant this at Jenine as she was describing herself getting raped, instead of working together to survive they turned on her breaking their trust. As any survival goes you must be aware of your surroundings and see outside of what's being presented right in front of you. “They only show us victories, never defeats. Who wants bad news?”(102). Gilead is very focused on showing all their victories and hides all the bad in order to persuade the public using propaganda. In order to survive you must see the bigger picture and not just what's in front of you. Offred realizes that she is always being watched and has to be aware of her surroundings or she could get caught. “There was always that possibility Nick, the private eye.”(366). Eyes in the handmaid's tale are people who belong the the government and act like spies gaining information. Offred describes that nick is one of them and that she too has fallen for his disguise. Having awareness and knowledge won't always guarantee survival and people will always do things that could decrease their chances of survival, but you must be aware of what's happening around you and be aware of the

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