The Greatest Generation (Age Cohorts)

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To inspire our paper, we briefly observe the following five US generations (age cohorts): the ’greatest generation’, ‘baby boomers’, and generations ‘X’, ‘Y’, and ‘Z’. Each generation is understood to share common political, social, economic, and historic characteristics. Each generation presents a different set of needs and behaviors.
Classifying individuals into subgroups partitioned by year of birth (age cohorts) is a practice that has a long history of being used to simplify idiosyncrasies into broad similar experiences and characteristics (Biggs, 2007). Generation classification is generally meant to help individuals, institutions, and firms to better target and understand individual’s needs and behaviors. (We will use an understanding …show more content…

The greatest generation has experienced both the depravity of the Great Depression and the brute of each World War (passively or actively); their outlook and approach to life reflects their unique experiences. The Greatest can be recognized as an American coming of age generation. They helped rebuild America and redefined global industry. They generally have fatalistic outlooks, expect disappointment, posses shambolic morals, but desire faith and lite equality for women (Williams and Page, 2011). This generation pioneered the idea of the working mother (Williams and Page, 2011). Their consumption and investment behavior reflects their outlook and expectations. The Greatest Generation gave birth to the Baby Boomer …show more content…

They are children of baby boomers and as of last year have surpassed their parents as the most populous generation on the face of the earth. Individuals in generation Y are self-sufficient and are extremely wise for their age (Howe and Strauss, 2000). They are conditioned for fast-paced changes and expect diversity in their households, schools, work, and social environments (Williams and Page, 2011). Perhaps this is resultant of the fact they grew up in a constantly changing technological environment that has transparent global boundaries as a result of eased connectedness due to the Internet and the reduced cost of transportation.
Generally recognized within the commercial marketing space, eight key values have been accepted to describe Gen Y: choice, customization, scrutiny, integrity, collaboration, speed, entertainment, and innovation (Williams and Page, 2011).


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