The Great Gatsby Movie Analysis

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In the movie The Great Gatsby, people were much different from today. Men or women, for example. were allowed to have two significant others significant and do anything they wanted. But there were some people who were having several affairs and cheating on their spouses’ The main difference is that in the 2013 version Nick opens the movie talking with a Doctor at a Sanitarium. Nick has a breakdown of sorts in Baz Luhrmann's film. The approach of the director of the 2013 version gives a darker side to the story. He uses the film in a way that gives one the feeling of watching a 1920's era movie. The 1920's were a time of gaiety and fun. The signs of what was coming was not yet know. In the 1974 version the viewer sees the 1920's as In the old version of the movie, the music is much different. It is closer to the 20s. The homes are very different and more realistic in the old movie. Gatsby also died differently in the old movie. In the 2013 film version of The Great Gatsby, there were numerous differences in comparison to the 1974 film. In the old movie, the music is much more different and may have been popular back then. In the new movie, the music is more modern and more well known. . There were some parts of the novel that needed to be involved, but were left out of the newer movie. They both had a unique interpretation on the novel and although they had different styles, one had more modern party setting. They both were great movies, but the 1974 movie had some boring parts.. After viewing both movies, it is obvious that the 2013 movie is the better of the two movies. The reason being it is more modern and a lot more interesting to watch. The parties were bigger and the music was more well known. Compared to the 1974 movie the 2013 movie has bigger houses and a lot of expensive stuff in them. The cars are more modern and they look more luxurious. The actors were different and they made the movie a lot more interesting. . The actors in the movie are a lot more crazy and they act more like they did not have

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