The Great Gatsby Creative Writing

791 Words2 Pages

Within the busy dockyard, the honking of automobiles: StandardElectricTourer, Garford Six-Fifty, Metz-Runabout, PremierModel 440 and many more coaches and vehicles were accompanied by the strolling people; the bright summer sky cloaked the world. It was no ordinary day for most people out there. The candy-floss clouds moved lazily across the sky; the bright sun gleamed brightly forcing people to squint and stare down. Not a drop of rain fell nor a sound of thunder boomed. What a perfect afternoon!

But all of that was going to change.

Amid all the chaos stood an immense, elongated hexagon adorned with more than a hundred squared windows. Dark, lurid, pungent smoke cascaded out of the funnels. Smoke particles danced in on the inbound breeze, layering the tongue with a woody fragrance. It wasn't yet thick enough to see or cast the sky in a duller hue of blue. An inclined set of rungs enabled people to enter the massive hexagon that was situated close to the shore. Yes indeed, the hexagon was none other than the UNSINKABLE SHIP: TITANIC!

Never had she been claustrophobic, but in that almighty swell of humanity she felt the panic rise in her chest. Surrounded by unholy agglomeration of perfumes, body odour and over-applied …show more content…

Awestruck! She stood in front of the structure, with her mouth opened like a fish. It was constructed of polished oak and featured gilded balustrades and beautiful wrought iron railings. The 60ft high, 16ft wide staircase featured a mix of architectural influences with the oak panelling being of English William and Mary style and the ironwork reminiscent of the French Louis XIV period. There was a clock at the top of the staircase representing “Honour and glory crowning time” and the whole construction was lit by a huge glass dome overhead which allowed natural light to flood in. Rosaline was unable to take her eyes off the 'Grand

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