Introduction The granite central arch of the Boston Public Library bears an inscription: FREE.TO.ALL. These words capture the spirit of the library, the first large municipally funded library in the United States. The Boylston Street building was built to meet the growing demand for a public library, with the previously existing library on Mason Street having outgrown its purpose. Built in 1895, the building is an outstanding example of Renaissance Beaux Art style, and was intended as a “palace for the people,” a philosophy which was reflected in both its design and its cost. As Peter Arms Wick writes, it is “One of Boston’s proudest monuments, perhaps the most admired, discussed and influential public buildings in American architectural …show more content…
A.D.MDCCCLXXXXVII. Above this frieze, is a projecting cornice that is richly ornamental with three rows of different moldings: a row of dentil molding, another row of egg and dart molding, and a third row of “crowning cyma recta molding ornamented with carved lions and heads.” Finally, capping this whole composition is a hipped roof, which is flat at the center and is made of ‘dark-red brown purple glazed clay tiles.” The overall composition stands out in several important ways. First, the placement and ornamentation on the windows is a play with light and shadow: the deeply inset rectangular windows in the basement, and the ornamented fenestration on the second level add to this play. Second, McKim breaks the monotony of a long wall by placing the three-door entrance at the center on the first level, and further accentuating the second level of this wall with arched windows, carved in wrought iron that immediately captures the viewer’s attention. Third, by not extending the arcade to the wall’s end, the entire composition is bounded and contained, giving it a sense of balance and symmetry. This sense of boundary is exaggerated by the breadth of the corner wall on both …show more content…
The stairway, although grandiose, is modeled after oversized wooden stairs with a “wealth of spindles and paneling from his earlier Shingle style houses.” The oversized arched windows on the wall facing Exeter Street, bring sunlight into this space, and have a radiant effect on the walls covered with variegated Sienna marble (especially quarried for the library). At the intermediate landing, there are two hand carved couchant lions, which are the work of Louis Saint-Gaudens. Above this stairway a spherical chandelier of bronze and cut glass hangs from the richly coffered ceiling. As you climb up the stairs towards the main landing, the paintings of Puvis De Chavannes representing poetry, philosophy, and science adorn the wall. These murals are painted on canvas are 20 feet high by 40 feet long, and have a lyrical quality to them. As described by Peter Arms Wick “these paintings uplift the imagination with a breath and grandeur that sets the aspirational theme for the library
James F. O'Gorman, Dennis E. McGrath. ABC of Architecture. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998. Document. October 2013.
With the Pantheon being built over 1700 years ago, it’s amazing that architects are still using features and techniques from this work of architecture in modern creations. The use of this type of classical architecture will continue to be used in works for public space due to its remarkable exterior appearance and it’s long lasting structural durability. When both Jesse hall and the Pantheon are compared it is possible to see their similarities from the types of domes that top each, their external facades, and their interior plan. While they share many similarities, the differences that Bell and Binder used in their creation make this work of architecture unique to many other public spaces.
Means of egress from this part of the structure were by means of the main foyer at one end, and on the main dining room side, and at the other end of the bar through the passageway leading to the Broadway Lounge. A closed balustrade about 40” high, separated the Caricature Bar area from the main dining room.
. The Administration Building was conceived by a board of architects led by Daniel Burnham as part of the scheme for the Court of Honor, the major public space at the fair. As director of architecture and construction for the entire Columbian Exposition, Burnham was responsible for selecting designers for all the major buildings. After much debate, this group of mostly east coast practitioners decided that all the major buildings were to be cast in a pristine and highly decorative classical style based on the architecture of Antiquity. Burnham assigned the task of designing the most prominent building to arguably the most prominent man of the group, the New York architect Richard Morris Hunt.
And with good reason! The sheer luxury of the property is overwhelming. The mansion has 34 beautifully decorated rooms that boast 15th through 19th century art and furnishings. While blending together harmoniously, there is nothing subtle about the elaborately carved furniture, voluminous drapes, ornate carvings, and the richly colored tiles. The intent is to convey the excesses of wealth, which it does, albeit with grace and elegance.
After walking inside and trying to first experience, the church, and all its beauty and ornateness, I began examining the floor plan and elevations of the cathedral. Grace Cathedral was build in a gothic style, which it represents in its architecture inside and out. There were three huge rose windows. One at the very top of the main entrance and one on either end of the transept. There wer...
The main entrance and exit for the school sits directly in front of the sculpture. You can straight through Lutgert Hall’s windows and see the sculpture. Various palm trees and other foliage align the other restraints of the area. The sculpture is placed symmetrically between the foliage and is also fairly symmetrical with respect to Lutgert Hall.
These bronze doors have 5 panels on. each side, containing scenes from the Old Testament. They were dubbed “ The Gates of Paradise,” by Michaelangelo, and was Ghiberti’s greatest work. Ghiberti also made a larger than life statue of the Arte dei Mercani di Calimala’s(the guild of the merchant. bankers) patron saints.
A few key questions being asked in this examination of Kenwood are: why has this building been extensively written about? And, what are the influencing factors on its importance of inclusion at several points in the historical record? It is my opinion that Kenwood House gains and keeps its stature and relevance in architecture, through its association with a few key noteworthy and influential figures. Without the role of the first Earl of Mansfield, or the first Earl of Iveagh, Kenwood would have never became noteworthy, or would have suffered and decayed at the expense of time. It is an important building today as much for who owned it and lived there, as it is for any one architectural reason.
When I entered through the main gallery entrance, the first thing that I noticed was this colorful glass sculpture in the middle of the room. I was in awe at how beautiful the sculpture was and the way how the light was reflected on the sculpture really emphasized the
Books are great thing don’t you think? Barnes & Nobles is the number one bookstore in the entire country. It started in 1886. Barnes & Nobles is all over the world. It has supported many events. They have become the number one bookstore in the United States. They sell a variety of books and other products. They have grown a lot over the past 132 years. They have a long history of excellence by serving millions of customers with its wide selection of books.
Over time the use of buildings changes and so do their users requirements. Despite still sharing the same key functions with certain rooms, over time the layout of these spaces changes. There are many factors which can determine the form of buildings and in this essay I will be exploring the difference between two educational institutions, built in different centuries under very different socio-cultural, political and technological contexts. The two buildings which I will be analysing are Shepley Fist School (1896) and Shelley College (Originally Shelley Secondary Comprehensive then Shelley High School (1974)). The two buildings are very different in their forms and through this essay I will be discussing the factors which contributed to the
...y this naturalistic area. The building is quite congruent in space, divided only by the only two entrances to the edifice. Circulation in this design is moderately simplistic due to the corresponding angles being completely identical. The symmetry is being used as an aesthetic element to express the calm environment it is supposed to be. This systematic expression can be found all throughout the structure. Whether it is the windows, the set of stairs and even the columns, the simplicity is being allocated.
The windows were quite similar to the windows at St Marys Church in Warwick which was also built around the same time. This gives us reasoning to why the windows were built like that since they were built during the same time period. The image captures the appearance of light streaming into the great hall, however, the images lack detail and fails to refer to the carvings around the windows. This limits the impression of wealth given from visiting the site. The artist may not have included this because it is time-consuming and rather wanted to give a general impression of the hall than a more focused
When I was a child I used to be frightened of entering such a place for it seemed so imposing and somewhat dangerous, especially when music was being played. One day, in order to keep a promise I had made, I saw myself forced to enter. It took me quite a while to get the courage to pass through the old oak door, but the moment I stepped in, I realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes reflect perfectly the unity between this earth and the unseen kingdom of angels in such a manner that one cannot say where one ends and the other begins. The way in which the church was built is also the vivid testimony of a medieval period. Although it is a place that can sometimes be cold and ask for respect it is where prayers are answered and magic is done. An overwhelming feeling of inner harmony takes over you once you enter and God seems much closer. Darkness and light are welded perfectly together creating Redemption’s house. The tower allows you to see the entire town from the smallest river to the biggest building site, offering you its mightiness.