The Great Gatsby Response

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There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there’s only scarcity of resolve to make it happen. ~Wayne Dyer The Great Gatsby has many different themes. The theme I am choosing to talk about today is how most people are willing to do whatever it takes to chase their dreams. I will explain how my theme fits the book by talking about Gatsby’s mildly creepy definition of love, the fact that Nick is a total push over and Myrtle, using a man to get his life style. To start off, Gatsby was convinced he was in love with Daisy, however that’s not the case. Jay Gatsby was a twisted man who was obsessed not with Daisy but with the idea of having her. Gatsby’s feelings for Daisy were not genuine; he just loved the crazy …show more content…

While sticking around while the police are looking for his car was totally crazy; it is a sweet notion that he was willing to risk it for Daisy. Gatsby was so foolishly ‘in love’ that he would have risked anything for her. She gave him that gleaming little sliver of hope. That was more than enough for him though. She even told him she would leave her husband for him. That was exactly what he wanted to hear and she fed it to him on a silver platter. The second point is how Nick was a total…schmuck. He was willing to do whatever it took to get to the top and he did not care whose fingers he stepped on or whom he had to climb over to get there. Everybody thinks that Nick is OH SO INNOCENT but he’s not. Nick befriended Gatsby just because he was rich and had ‘connections’. Nick was willing to suck up to anyone if it got him one step closer to his goals in life. Nick uses people to get what he wants; he never stops and considers that they might get hurt in the process. Lastly, Myrtle was totally a gold digger. Myrtle had not loved her husband in many, many years. She did stuff just to spite him just because she could. How ridiculous is …show more content…

It seems that she loathed the fact that he was alive. Myrtle seemed very ungrateful. She treated her husband like total crap and he would have done anything for her. In his own screwed up way, he was just trying to make her happy. For instance, how he locked her in the house so he could move out west with her. Myrtle was a very self-absorbed person. Myrtle did not even love Tom; she was just using him to get his life style. Myrtle would have done anything, put up with anything, just to keep him wrapped around her finger. She is a snotty, gold digger and it is so unbelievably cruel. Her husband deserves to be happy. The fact that she used Tom Tom and did not care about her husband’s feelings is despicable. Myrtle is one of my least favorite people in this book because I do not like the fact that she was the other women and did not even love Tom. Myrtle is a horrible person through and through. She even said the only reason she married her husband is because she thought he would be wealthy. When he did not end up being wealthy she started using

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