The Gothic Theme in Dracula by Bram Stoker

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The Gothic Theme in Dracula by Bram Stoker

Bram Stoker's Dracula is a true Gothic novel that belongs on any gothic literature course. Focusing in on the recurring themes, characters and settings used throughout the novel one sees how Dracula has set the standard for Gothic literature today.

The theme in Dracula is that classic Gothic theme of the epic battle of good versus evil. In this novel this is expressed in a very direct way, there is never any question as to who is right and who is wrong. As it can be clearly seen the protagonists on the side of good have many endearing qualities while the antagonists on the side of evil have a pact with Lucifer and are of the purest evil. The main antagonist in this story, Dracula, has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and his thoughts or emotions are never revealed to us. Dracula never writes a journal or a log as the other characters do so he is never humanized and is always seen as an evil creature with wicked and inhumane motives. Furthermore, Dracula never delivers a final statement before his death to rationalize his actions. Unlike the final scene in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, where Frankenstein's monster delivers a final statement of intent, Dracula dies quietly and we are left guessing as to the motives and drives that were responsible for his actions. (One speculates as to whether Stoker omitted this final statement purposely or if he was pushed by other concerns that forced him to end the novel hurriedly.) The protagonists on the other hand have many endearing qualities that form an image of humanity that is very positive and good. Throughout the novel the protagonists are constantly performing selfless deeds. Consider how Lord Godalming and Quincy Morris gladly do...

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... Dracula as being very old and unclean. The rising and the setting of the sun govern the characters throughout the story. Dracula rules the night while our heroes rule the day. This is used to contrast the evil of Dracula and the goodness of our heroes. Symbols such as crosses are used throughout to give the impression of the holly battle of good versus evil. Bram Stoker is very meticulous in his attention to every detail, making sure to carefully arrange the dates of all occurrences and giving many visual descriptions.

In conclusion Bram Stoker's Dracula is a classic piece of the Gothic literature and as such deserves its place on any literature course. Due to it's trademark themes, characters and settings it truly represents the essence of good Gothic fiction.


Work's Sited

Stoker, Bram. Dracula. London: Penguin Group, 1993.

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