The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Social media has created many great outcomes socially, but with that good comes many bad outcomes and some outcomes that are just down right ugly. Facebook and twitter have introduced a whole new world in the ways of conversation and meeting others. This cyber-world that is created brings it's users into using many if not all of it's features and created culture outside of just being online. This is showing that social media is now not just a online thing it is an everyday thing in real life situations. It is up to the user to choose how he or she is going to portray both their online selves and their real life elves. When using online social media many are given the task to describe themselves in order to find others or other pages with common interests. Though many do this, some choices or descriptions are varied by the popular culture that is present at the time of editing these overviews. This causes many people to put things that they feel they will be liked for because it is what is cool at the time. The good is that many people can connect with others who share the common interests as them and converse and create groups that further their expression of these common interests. This has created conversation and creating of groups easier because with a couple clicks a group of people and make their conversations with each other private from those who don't sure that interest with them. It also allows them to meet just by logging online and typing to each other to communicate instead of actually meeting with each other face to face and causing a lot more planning to do so. The bad however is that people start posting things that physical friends had no idea about them. Showing that social media causes a sense of ... ... middle of paper ... ... to be a good thing but it is this integration with popular culture and the users wanting to be cool that has caused many of these downfalls to occur. We can improve vastly through social media and it's many connections it gives us, but if we choose to be more conceded about ourself and not how things will effect us later or instantly in the real world then social media will be a huge downfall to the wellbeing of the future generations to come. Again though this all comes down to how a user chooses to display and express themselves through social media. The real world and social media have been drifted apart in places it should not have and has connected in ways that it should not have but. There is alway good that allows many to continuing succeeded and allowing technology to grow. Right now it just seems that technology has outpaced the user intellectually.

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